Thursday, September 27, 2007

^me, Pauline, Criselle then Tricy and Alissa above


^Fall Out Baboy-ing with Audrey
The festivals were fun!
Pictures from Criselle, Alissa and Hannah
8:44 PM
boombox generation:
Saturday, September 15, 2007
It's time to make an entry that won't take me five minutes to type. An entry that you understand without questions...
So exams are over? You'd probably think it's time to 'partay' (I hate that) and stuff but nooo. Not here. Exams just mark the beginning of a new trimester. And before I realize it, my Investigatory Project will be due. Not that it's due anytime soon. But I feel that there's so much to do when I don't even have anything urgent on my list. Let's see. I have to make: Teachers' Day cards (I am
supposed to), do Math, research on breast cancer and Alzheimer's with pictures, and sort my expandable file into obsessive compulsive sections with labels and everything. I don't think I'll write the cards today because I don't
feel that my IT teacher is fun. Or maybe I should start research on breast cancer and Alzheimer's.
As you know, I was sent to the hospital (again) recently. Monday evening, to be exact. It wasn't the stress problem like before. I think it was the clash of caffeine, jalapeƱo corned beef, milo and staying up late. I'm currently not allowed to drink milk, coffee, and soda. And also not allowed to eat spicy stuff and fruits. Of course, I was able to drink some milk. I can't survive without milk! I get pale. Well, I've had a couple oranges as well. And a pear. But nope, no coffee so far. Only during exams. And they're over, right?
Tch. There's something wrong with my tummy.
SMS = Save my soul
Ah. I really want to go to that soiree in my classmate's house later this afternoon. It's with Xavier and I heard the class we're having the soiree with is fun... So, why not? No, I can't go.
ANYWAYZ, it's gonna be a short weekend. I'll just curl up with my guitar singing Blackbird.
11:57 AM: I almost forgot. Happy birthday, Loz. I love you mucho.
11:53 AM
boombox generation:
Saturday, September 08, 2007
exams, thick reviewers, three jacket-less days, staying up too late, and coffee
new year, new trime, new nail polish (it's yellow-green.. with glitters)
I miss you, Singaporeans
11:33 AM
boombox generation:
Saturday, September 01, 2007
It's been long.
How are you?
Do you miss me?
Don't forget next week.
8:28 AM
boombox generation: