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Patricia. i love the sea but i hate the beach. big difference.

talk time

no, you tell me

Amanda, Caris, Chee Tong, Chin Wen, Elizabeth, Fang Ee, Freya, Georgia, Geraldine, Hakim, Isabella, Ivan, Jun Khiang, Katty, Leena, Loza, Mao Jie, Marissa, Melissa, Miao Ying, Nadiah, Patricia, Samantha, Sarah, Starnia, Teoh Guan, Wei Lin, Yi Zhen, Yu Ling

pastimes (literally)

03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006
08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
01/01/2007 - 02/01/2007
02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
05/01/2007 - 06/01/2007
06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007
07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007
08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007
09/01/2007 - 10/01/2007
10/01/2007 - 11/01/2007
12/01/2007 - 01/01/2008
04/01/2008 - 05/01/2008
09/01/2008 - 10/01/2008


the picture was found on friendster. waw.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007
I won't skip a day

I bet you all thought I wouldn't blog today but here I am, blogging today.

My dad just got back from Singapore and he remembered to buy my shampoo. Ha ha ha ha

I'm sooo excited to visit Singapore :D I will eat Hokkien mee forever.

10:18 PM
boombox generation:

Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Do you look at your picture and sometimes see a stranger in the background? It makes you think how many strangers have your picture.

I have heaps of work to be done so I'll make this short. I wanna thank Patricia Karunungan sooo much for helping me out :)

I learned that 'karunungan' means wisdom.
I have no classes tomorrow! :D But I have to do my work by tomorrow because I absolutely hate the feeling of procrastination. And I included it in my resolutions for the year. CNY.

Okay, that's all for tonight.

8:52 PM
boombox generation:

Monday, February 26, 2007
Mr. Dela Peña

I forgot to mention in my previous post that we went to Michael's house after my lola's. My dad insisted on giving away the puppy that night. I didn't want to but my parents said that the puppy would get sick in our house because of the cementing going on tomorrow. My dad was joking around with Michael's neighbor about the puppy. And they wanted it so my dad gave it without hesitation.

So, no puppy for me.

Today's lesson was pretty much alright except that my schedule is now very hectic and I don't have the afternoon to go online. That pretty much sucks for me. Well, I don't have classes on Wednesday and Thursday. Actually, I don't have classes on many days. So, I guess it doesn't suck that much. I only said that 'cause I don't feel so 'bright' and 'shiny' this evening.

Did I mention that the teacher's name is Mr. (something) Dela Peña?
I wanted to blog about something else today but I can't remember what that was.. Never mind.

Alright, thanks for reading :)

9:54 PM
boombox generation:

Sunday, February 25, 2007
new curfew :(

The Happy Walk was exhausting especially since it was so hot.
I'll post pictures in Multiply some other day since I have a new curfew..

After the Happy Walk, we went to my grand uncle's birthday party. Their house was huuuuge! And the shrimps were yummy. We watched two movies- She's The Man and John Tucker Must Die.

Then we went to my lola's (grandmum) house to pick up her puppy. The puppy's name is Sierta, short for Sierra Bonita. I think the idea of the name was so strangers couldn't remember it easily and call the dog or whatever. Anyway, we got the dog because my lola couldn't handle it.

Today's been really tiring and I think my nine thirty bedtime will work for me tonight.


8:17 PM
boombox generation:

Saturday, February 24, 2007
speaking of beaches

My reply to Pk: Yeah, the beach my aunt owns became dirty. But that was because of the typhoons. There's actually this one resort- Virgin Resort. It's new and it isn't dirty. The sand isn't fine though. Many broken corals. We once found this dead starfish..

Anyway, it would be nice to go to Boracay :D

6:30 PM
boombox generation:

You'll break my heart, anyway

Grey's Anatomy's 17th episode was a tearjerker. It sucks I don't have readers who like Grey's Anatomy. Well, who knows? I might be having a silent stalker. The soundtrack is amazing.

We have this Happy Walk thing on tomorrow so I'll be out in the morning. Ara Mina will be there. No, I am not psyched to be seeing her.

I heard that summer is ON ITS WAY. That means, it will be hotter. I don't think I'll be able to visit the beach this summer because I'll be busy with summer classes. The school principal told my mom that the classes shouldn't take up so much of my time 'cause I need to enjoy summer. My mom said that I've had a very long break. So yes, the classes will be taking lots of my time. By saying 'lots of my time', I mean most days. And less sleep. The classes start on Monday!

I'll be having lunch with Isabel :)

Song recommendation: Perfect Situation by Weezer

3:02 PM
boombox generation:

answer my prayer now, baby.

Good morning :D I just got up.

Here are my replies to Georgia and Patricia.

Georgia- Yeah, I read the book. I think that the story got dumber by the sequel. Oh, I don't know. I'm not an avid fan of Harry Potter. Haha. Are you? Okay, yes you are since you were excited about the 7th book. Anyway, Ghost Rider really freaked me out. Okay, not the ghost rider but the demons and the AAAHHHH!s. Fine. I scare easily.

Patricia- I'm only going for abstinence. No meat the whole of Lent? That's a lot to give up. But it's a real good sacrifice. Besides, it would be kind of cool to eat fruits and vegetables for 40 days. Oh yeah, whatever skin you think looks good should be okay with me :) Thanks Pat :D


11:25 AM
boombox generation:

BitLord is slow tonight. It's illegal- no complaining.

Good evening, everyone :) You may be reading this in the afternoon. If so, Good afternoon.

I was downloading episode 17 in the morning. It was about 40% complete when Jeremy turned the computer off. Even though Meredith Grey died, I still want to continue watching it. Well, duh, we're all anticipating a MIRACLE because the title of the episode is 'Some Kind of Miracle'. !@#$%^&* I'm so excited!

My family & I watched Ghost Rider early in the evening. Eva Mendez was smokin'. It's a great movie though the demons scared me a hell lot. I gripped Jeremy's wrist when the scary parts came on. I feel bad for him 'cause I'm growing my nails back. I don't know why I was so freaked out! Maybe it was because of Emily Rose. Oh, well. At least I ate my super-yummy popcorn. I kind of flicked the un-popped kernels on the floor.


The final sequel to Harry Potter will be released in June. Harry Potter is bound to die. So, he will die. I saw this interview of J.K. Rowling on television and she said that readers may be disappointed 'but that's the way it's supposed to be.' Grrr, okay, we'll just all have to wait.

And Sarahrahrah is back home! :D

12:04 AM
boombox generation:

Friday, February 23, 2007
Summertime, summertime

It has been rather hot this week and this is because of summer. Summer is the season when rich kids visit five-star beach resorts to bask in the sun's harmful rays. What I meant to say is that summer is the barbecue-tan season.

Summer reminds me of the song Summertime by Mae.

My mom bought a box of the awesomest lemon squares. There goes my no-eating-snacks-in-between-meals diet. And today's a Friday. That means, no meat.

Okay, that's all for this afternoon. I hate this time of the year >:[

1:52 PM
boombox generation:

Thursday, February 22, 2007
Anger management

Let the venting begin.

XGDlfuiASLHfuASDGfluagserugnbasjdg;I ASEIOuf IOASE;frhAO:Ehf;iHAIEF/iahn?d FYIASEYf; ieitf;AIEYF;.h q/eirtf/AWEFHisaehg:OIH;Oawe 4t/uWIOEAYt;ysaer;tia;sieyrt/ahse/hg IHGLIASHR ;GOIY;weioytaosihenvh;oaISYEr /tfiSUD?VikHS?DGVai;ohwerhnf lkahefophapowehghhhhas,dghliahseog 9yawe'fiy a'sdjfkasdjf'a osdug'asj/od gojas'odjg hlifdhklshdflkhi;>?KLSDJg/ aiusdfgo laysfgas;iudg ;ysdifo; uaysdh/LOSY EGAH;OSIDH GHDSJ A;YGIOA ;IOGUAS;ODIGJN SUGJAI'SYEA O;WEIUT W8OE7T582U4IH FUYF YWEIFUO; JASIFOJaefisad ;ghksdhg/ asokdug /;opasu'DG ahsld/gjah;siodygaui;lhgwjkfhd.kjf.sdhvnSEKLBFhliSfyvh;>NVHF ahwefioey; fhiao.;fh aoitd;g iasehfysaDfo/ .GHWEFY ;ioqyf /weyio

That was dumb but I do feel a lot better.
Maybe I need to listen to some Rascal Flatts.

10:03 PM
boombox generation:

This sucks, period

I'm currently using a Blogger skin. Sorry, guys. I removed my tagboard and stuff and if I try inserting it here, the whole skin gets messed up. You can comment and I know it's troublesome.

I haven't had much time (and knowledge) to fix this thing up. I need to study my Filipino books. I realized that I don't understand half of the words in the textbook. I guess my level of understanding is as low (or high?) as a regular 4th grader. Ah, someone help me please.

Oh, and if someone can help me add a skin, I'd be more than happy to give you my Blogger password. That is IF you have the time and patience to look for a decent skin. I don't know where to find one.

Oh yes, I think only Blogger members can comment.


Remember when we talked about where we'd be a year from now?
Remember, 'cause that's all you can do.

2:08 PM
boombox generation:

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Dustbunnies are not bunnies

I've been talking to myself on my tagboard. Not really, though. The messages were meant for you guys. So you better acknowledge what I said. I arranged the tags properly. That means you read normally.

21 Feb 07, 14:30
Patricia: there. I changed it. ok, maybe i don't like this skin so much ._.
21 Feb 07, 14:31
Patricia: and you only have to click 'Go' once. refresh the page. damn this skin sucks.
21 Feb 07, 14:39
Patricia: and my name doesn't get saved. urrrggggghhh.
21 Feb 07, 14:40
Patricia: oh you can just go to one then go to three.. oookaaay.
21 Feb 07, 14:40
Patricia: I mean four. not three.

In simpler words, The tagboard is kind of messed up. I'll try to do something about it.

Okay, here's a question. Someone told me I'm too naive. Am I?

2:41 PM
boombox generation:

Do you see anything you like?

This skin isn't what I'd usually choose.

Is it okay? Tell meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. And tell me how to remove that annoying Blogger bar. I'll prolly fix the tagboard tomorrow. I changed the colours and the size because I couldn't stand NOT changing it. I still want to change the colours. Meanwhile, live with it.

Much love,

2:18 PM
boombox generation:

Cheeeeeeeese popcorn

I promised myself not to eat junk food. I'm thinking of watching a movie anytime soon and I have granted myself permission to eat cheese popcorn. Just the thought tickles my funny bone. Heh.

Roman Catholics, today is Ash Wednesday. Remember, you must attend mass today.

Adiós mis lectores.
See, I'm learning.
And I decided to show my blog titles.

10:53 AM
boombox generation:

Tuesday, February 20, 2007
maybe I fainted.

Do you sometimes experience seeing black and white swirls just when you get up from bed? Well, I did this morning. I was still so sleepy when I got up so I walked to the keyboard and closed my eyes till it disappeared.

Next thing I heard was a loud thud.
Next thing I saw was the ceiling.

I don't know what really happened to me at that time. I fell and hit my chin, bruised my left arm and hurt the back of my head real bad. I'm alright now. Just slightly amazed.

It's a good thing I didn't close my eyes while going down the stairs.

1:45 PM
boombox generation:

Monday, February 19, 2007

Second entry of the day

This is hilarious. It's from The Best of David Spade (SNL).
The Gap girls are Chris Farley (God bless his soul), David Spade and Adam Sandler.

I think the waitress on the left is Rob Schneider.. HAHAHA.
And OTR means Old Timers' Reunion. Laughlaughlaughlaugh

Oh yes, have you seen the video of Carpal Tunnel of Love by Fall Out Boy? Click 'cause it's awesome. It's also a Happy Tree Friends video.. You know what to expect and don't say I didn't warn you! The song is great :)

Lots of love from the ever so bored Patella

2:29 PM
boombox generation:

Popeye the sailor man toot toot

I woke up at 10 am this morning. That's an achievement.

For the record, I've seen Happy Feet thrice this morning, thanks to Jeremy. We're watching his Popeye VCD now and I really like Popeye's friend, Merry, I think. Anyway, he's the one who always eats burgers. I noticed that Popeye always adds 's' at the end of most words. 'I loves watchkins parades.'

Okay, that's all for today.


12:49 PM
boombox generation:

Sunday, February 18, 2007
and and and

Gong xi gong xi gong xi ni YA!


Okay. Good evening, everyone. Today, I had Chinese food not because it's Chinese New Year but because I like it. Today, a wire coiled around a chair's leg punctured my foot. Today, I thought I was going to have tetanus. Again.

I'm so tired.
And Grey's Anatomy really sucked.

And I think I overate. And I miss my eating partner.
And I'm overusing 'and'.

Good night.

9:58 PM
boombox generation:

Saturday, February 17, 2007
I should get a medal for this..

1, 2, 3, sneeze.
1, 2, 3, sneeze.
1, 2, 3, sneeze.
1, 2, 3, sneeze.
1, 2, 3, sneeze.
1, 2, 3, sneeze.
1, 2, 3, sneeze.
1, 2, 3, sneeze.
1, 2, 3, sneeze.
1, 2, 3, sneeze.

3:19 PM
boombox generation:

They should have a comeback for this

Grey's Anatomy sucks

2:48 PM
boombox generation:

Friday, February 16, 2007
Sharon del something

This is the best voice for gothic metal.

4:46 PM
boombox generation:

Thursday, February 15, 2007
Krispy Kremes are good.

I went to Poveda this morning and received the official results. I PASSED. This image is proof. I talked to the principal and she told me about Philippine History classes from March to April and a Spanish crash course in May.

click to enlarge
My mom, my aunt and I went to Dome to eat breakfast then to a nearby mall. I saw the President's car and I took a picture of it. Actually, I only took a photo of it because I liked the plate number,"1". A security officer told me that it wasn't allowed only after I took it. I won't post it here for safety reasons (heh)

We met a famous artist today. Manuel Baldemor. He gave my aunt a sketch and I didn't get one. It's alright though but I don't have pictures to show you.


The end.

7:51 PM
boombox generation:

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
I'm gonna be famous

We stuck heart-shaped candies to our cheeks on Valentine's Day. To all those who had dates, I presume you had a good time. I had a good time, even without a date. I've been having hiccups all day. Even at this moment. If this continues, you might see me in the 2008 Guiness Book of World Records.

Ciao, my lovelies.

7:10 PM
boombox generation:

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
screw Hallmark

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I'm sure you all are aware. Oh, crud. I'll sit down, eat my chocolates and watch Happy Feet. To all those who don't have dates: oh yeah.

To all those who have dates: GO DIE LAHH

9:59 PM
boombox generation:

Monday, February 12, 2007
The ponytail parades

It doesn't feel right
Holding someone else's hand
Together on phone lines
And living at two opposite ends

It scares me to think that you could find takers
Other than me and better than me
But your head is elsewhere
And I'm talking enough for both of us
When will you see it's not so easy for me

You're careless and whispered
Insulting and bruising
And I thought that you said
Things were improving
These laces are untied
But my feet are still walking away

Do some of you wonder what I do at home? I watch people, that's what I do. This morning, I woke up in time for lunch and found a construction worker smashing one of our dining room tiles into pieces. I didn't realize its crack before this happened. Well, they're replacing the tile now.

Is this image too dark? This monitor is pretty dark.
Anyway, I went out and saw manymanymany plants.

I don't know what's going on around. Maybe I should just stick to pressing between the pages of my Physics textbook. Thanks. Ah, yes. I'm going to Poveda tomorrow morning for an interview. This ought to be exciting.

4:44 PM
boombox generation:

Saturday, February 10, 2007
Do you have a valentine?

Seth: No girl wants to be alone on Valentine's Day.
Ryan: and you know this because....?
Seth: Because inside my manly exterior beats the heart of a 14 year old girl.
-The OC

12:21 PM
boombox generation:

Rico Blanco looks hot in red

I'm ready to sleep but I decided to create an entry.

First of all, I would like to congratulate the graduates who received their O Levels results today. I mean, yesterday. To Chee Tong, 17 is good. I'm happy for you. Get into a good school and happy happy happy. Okay, don't say that I am fierce.

Oh, my legs are in agony. My voice is a little croaky but it sounds alright. The concert was really great. Rivermaya was awesome and Rico Blanco looks as cute as ever. Except when he had a thick goatee. No, no.

We didn't get to watch the end of the event 'cause we had to go home. I met some Ateneo boys (sniggers) and and that's all. I'm tired.


3:38 AM
boombox generation:

Wednesday, February 07, 2007
They don't understand your time of the month

I went out with my sister today for some 'bonding-time'. Really fun :)
We went a little shopping and watched The Holiday. It's a really nice movie and Jude Law's in it. He is absolutely amazing. My sister and I cried. HA HA HA. And I had never eaten so much popcorn before.
I went to PCX to buy something and the service was annoyingly slow. The cashier gingerly picked up coins and.. argh. I was impatient.

Oh, thank you for the rabbit. Really sweet of you :)
Night, people :)

PS, I can't wait to get to Singapore.

10:10 PM
boombox generation:

Tuesday, February 06, 2007
A classic.

I've been chatting with Patricia the whole day and I've eaten two peanut butter & jelly sandwiches.
Those are two things you've never done in one day, I bet.

3:26 PM
boombox generation:

Monday, February 05, 2007
Daphne Loves Derby once again.

Daphne just died and I don't know why!
She was getting fatter each day. Next time, I'm buying adult rabbits, sniff.

Yeah. I'm the girl who cries over her dead rabbits.

5:13 PM
boombox generation:

Lemon Squares?

Third post of the day. I just want to say that it is immensely heartbreaking to know that there are 0 cheese cupcakes left.

1:21 PM
boombox generation:

a year from now

Complete with total adoration
My Gift to you, my heart was yours.
In 10 weeks you shaped it, in one night you murdered it.

Torn from my chest and laid at your feet, that first step you took was the worst.
Since then you've walked a thousand miles in solace and short remark.
I still have these memories but we'll never see what we could have been.
Remember when we talked about where we'd be a year from now?
Remember when you held my hand like you'd never let it go?
Remember. Cause thats all you can do.
We'll never make another memory,
We'll never make another memory

I wish I'd have died in your arms the last time we were together
So I wouldn't have to wake without you today.
This time I thought things were real...
You said they were, what happened?
You were a priority, was I an option?

I let you see a side of me that I don't share with anyone.
Promises are just words unless they are fulfilled.
You knew from the beginning all I had to offer you was my heart
I'm sorry that wasn't enough.

So we'll go our own ways and hopefully you'll remember the things I've told you.
Hopefully, you'll understand that everything I said was in sincerity
A broken heart is not what I wanted from this but I guess I've learned from it.
But aren't you supposed to learn from your mistakes?
I don't consider this a mistake.
I just wish the story didn't end this way...
Because I'm still in love with the person who helped me write it.

Remember when you held my hand like you'd never let it go?
Remember when we talked of where we'd be a year from now?

1:01 PM
boombox generation:

I woke up at 2am last night wondering why I was beside Jeremy. Then I remembered that I put him to sleep and was too lazy to go to my room. The first thing I do when I open my eyes is to check my phone, you see. No, not to see if anyone texted. To check the time.

I tried going back to sleep but it was too hard 'cause I started having my morning allergies. I sneezed continuously. When I was fed up with my watery eyes, I pushed Jeremy off the bed and squeezed my eyes shut. Then my stomach started churning. Needless to say, I was hungry.

Okay, I ignored the stomach and closed my eyes. It was such a chore, going back to sleep. I played with the blinds until around four o' clock. I managed to fall asleep, somehow.

Yeah, I push people off the bed. If the bed is small. When Brenda slept over and we fell asleep while watching a football match, I tried kicking her off the couch but she was twice my size then. Just kidding, Brenda :) I admit, I'm not a good kicker. I am a good pusher though.

I went back to playing The Sims this morning. I don't know what got into me. Maybe it was the lack of sleep. I'm going to try forcing down more textbooks down my throat. Thank you for reading this load of nonsense :)

12:51 PM
boombox generation:

Saturday, February 03, 2007

My dad, Jeremy, Cris, our household helpers and their cute son are going to the Ara Mina concert. They were issued free tickets because she has a sister with DS and was interviewed with my dad.

My sister and I aren't interested in Ara Mina.
Neither is my mom.

So, tonight, we will sit down, watch movies and eat roti prata.

Yeah, she's pretty. And she will be singing tonight but I'm not that interested in pop music. Powerpop, however, I love. I am looking forward to the Xavier concert.

4:30 PM
boombox generation:

Friday, February 02, 2007

This morning, my mom and I ran across the street to our British neigbour's house. They subscribed to a channel my dad was on. And we didn't.

Anyway, I didn't know that he'd be interviewed again. So, I had to run across the street in my embarrassing pink pyjamas.

I hate it when people associate DS with terms like 'suffer' and 'victims'.

4:13 PM
boombox generation:

Thursday, February 01, 2007

To those people who clicked that link, I'm sorry I caused trouble.
To those people who can't seem to delete the virus, it's on your desktop.
To those people who didn't download the virus, have you had experience?
To those people I took my frustration out on, I'm really sorry.
To those people who create viruses, heaven knows what you're up to now.

To mom, if you're reading this now (highly unlikely), I know Dad's supposed to be tutoring me but he's working now :p

And, I have terminated Pacuks *beams*

11:17 PM
boombox generation:


I'm not quite sure when, though. My mom said something about the school break in Singapore. I'll ask her next time. I don't care if it's tomorrow or next year.. I'M GOING TO SINGAPORE! Alrighty, let's calm ourselves down and not get too excited :D

I scraped the side of my right palm really badly. I didn't scrape them, actually. A cement block did. Yooowwwch. I already applied disinfectant but the cuts are still screaming Bloody Murder. I hope it heals soon :]

Oh yes, I will be going to the Xavier concert tomorrow sometime next week(Correction thanks to Michael). Patricia Karunungan, you missed an opportunity to see Hale. I'm sure there will be many more. Anyway, Xavier is the school with many cute Chinese boys. Hahahahahahahaha >:] I hope Michael's not reading this.

Toodles, my poodles. (Ewww >:p)

5:47 PM
boombox generation: