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Patricia. i love the sea but i hate the beach. big difference.

talk time

no, you tell me

Amanda, Caris, Chee Tong, Chin Wen, Elizabeth, Fang Ee, Freya, Georgia, Geraldine, Hakim, Isabella, Ivan, Jun Khiang, Katty, Leena, Loza, Mao Jie, Marissa, Melissa, Miao Ying, Nadiah, Patricia, Samantha, Sarah, Starnia, Teoh Guan, Wei Lin, Yi Zhen, Yu Ling

pastimes (literally)

03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006
08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
01/01/2007 - 02/01/2007
02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
05/01/2007 - 06/01/2007
06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007
07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007
08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007
09/01/2007 - 10/01/2007
10/01/2007 - 11/01/2007
12/01/2007 - 01/01/2008
04/01/2008 - 05/01/2008
09/01/2008 - 10/01/2008


the picture was found on friendster. waw.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

People in Singapore, I want HOKKIEN MEE.

9:15 PM
boombox generation:

My parents, Jeremy, Rachel and I went to International School Manila this morning for a DSAPI activity. February is actually the Down Syndrome Awareness month. Anyway, as we passed the early Grade School building, I saw cute little blond kids running around in their expensive cashmere.

When we passed the High School building, I was like, HOLY MOLEY. It was the building of hot guys with nice smiles and blue eyes or green eyes. I was so close to hyperventilating. Maybe not, but jeez, it was astounding. I mean, c'mon, who wouldn't be tickled if an amazingly cute guy looked your way, had that charming smile (SO NICE, BY THE WAY) and evenly-tanned and nice golden brown hair that looked so haaaaaay.. In that good-looking way. This is supposed to be for girls, not boys.

My dad was on television today for an interview with KORINA SANCHEZ. Korina Sanchez referred to kids with DS as VICTIMS with DS. Wrong use of vocabulary, don't you think?

I'm watching Peter Pan 2 now. I love this movie.
In fact, I love Disney movies. They beat most romantic comedies hands down.

Oh, six :p

2:40 PM
boombox generation:

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

It's the way that he makes you cry
It's the way that he's in your mind
It's the way that he makes you fall in love
It's the way that he makes you feel
It's the way that he kisses you
It's the way that he makes you fall in love

4:24 PM
boombox generation:

Monday, January 29, 2007


10:04 PM
boombox generation:

Sunday, January 28, 2007

What can I say about the exam?
There was an IQ test. It was darn easy compared to Math and Science. English was pretty much fine too except for the Philippine Literature part. I don't know anything about it. There was Florante at Laura too. Like, a few questions. In English. I did not understand. Basically, the whole time, I was being extremely pressured.

I'm glad it's over. Let's stop here and move on.

I attended the Youth for Christ gathering. We all had to wear our high school uniforms It was amazing. I met loads of people too. Slept over at my grandmum's again.

I just got back from Monch's birthday celebration. Happy Birthday!

My mom told me that PK wrote this touching entry. When I read it, I cried. Leena wrote something too and it's just beautiful. I really love you two :) You two are my bestiebestiewestiewestie friends in the whole wide jiggamobickamo world <3

Yes, we do argue. But we've been friends for a long time and there's no way we'll throw that away. I'd never ever trade what we have for anything. Ever. I still remember what you two said, that if your parents allow you to travel abroad together, you'd visit me! :D

Of course, I'll visit Singapore first :p

6:56 PM
boombox generation:

Friday, January 26, 2007

1. My exam tomorrow is at 8 am and it ends at 12 noon
2. I don't know how the papers are going to look like
3. I have to sit for four continuous hours
4. I caught a cold last night
5. Daphne still doesn't have a Fred.. or a Superstar
6. I don't know if I'll get in Poveda
7. Or Woodrose
8. Let's not keep our hopes high
9. I think I need to study more Filipino
10. Grrrrrrrr (insert some bad words here) Ibong Adarna!
11. I don't know what it means TT
12. I don't know what to wear tomorrow!!!!!!

That's the dumbest.
I know this is crazy, but I can't believe my mom won't let me wear my Chuck Taylors. I need to wear them. But then I have to look 'okay' and stick with girly flats :[
Well, if I get into Poveda then great.

To PK, you're the first.
To Leena, you're the second.
To everybody else, no more requests, please.

To everybody else (curious ones), this is Goldilocks

I shall let the image talk.
Because I think it looks good.
Good = Yummy

Great song. Cute video.

3:05 PM
boombox generation:

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I just watched ACCEPTED here at home.

What can I say? It's the dumbest, funniest movie I have ever seen. Enlightening, in ways.

Anyway, there's no time to lengthen this entry. Good night.

11:05 PM
boombox generation:

Click {HERE} to find out which Singapore school suits you most.

My Poveda entrance exams are on Saturday and I haven't studied well enough. I must be crazy. Well, wish me luck, people :)

8:48 PM
boombox generation:

Monday, January 22, 2007

Today, I watched my rabbit die.
The male rabbit was deprived of food because the female one kept hogging everything.

I'm going to buy another male rabbit.. I just can't help feeling bad about it :\

10:58 AM
boombox generation:

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Good evening *serious face*

Solemn doesn't look good on me. People say that I seem contented with myself. I admit that I am except for how often I eat. Here's one strange thing about me: I get hungry ten minutes after each meal. Yes, I have three full-meals a day. With a lot of snacking after every meal. I once saw this icon that said 'Girls call themselves fat out of a habit'
I guess it doesn't quite matter how fat or thin we are. What matters is the amount of bad cholesterol we have in our body and the chances of having too much of it when we're older. Heh, you can ignore that. But.. I honestly get hungry too often.

It's terrible, I tell you. Terrible. Especially when people have really yummy fattening food. And they, um, offer you some. Like, who would decline such offer?
All that's been said, I am now hungry.

Welcome to my appetite.

I tagged Katrina (ex-Povedan) and told her that I want to get in Poveda.

KattyLovesPatweesa: You should! It's da bawwwmb. Don't date La Salle guys ha. Even if they're the HOTTEST. God I miss Manila. :(


10:46 PM
boombox generation:

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Your lipstick his collar don't bother angel, 
I know exactly what goes on.

When everything you'll get is,
Everything that you've wanted, princess.
Well which would you prefer,
My finger on the trigger, or,
Me face down, down across your floor.
Well just so long as this thing's loaded.

Don't bother trying to explain Angel,
I know exactly what goes on, when you're on and,
How about I'm outside of your window?
Watchin' him keep the details covered.
You're such a sucker,
For a sweet talker.

Up early.

11:52 AM
boombox generation:

Tonight, I will force myself to produce a reasonable piece, I mean, AHH JUST WRITE A PROPER BLOG ENTRY.

The days spent in my grandmum's house were entirely devoted to watching Goong and other Filipino dramas I never really understood. I managed to go through some textbooks while I got sick of the telly.
When Cris came to pick us up, we decided to leave an hour later. Our cousin's Youth for Christ friends visited again. They're friendly people. Niko, Jaceon and Pao, I THINK. Anyway, we left for Rockwell to pick our parents up.

Daddy's leaving for Freemont tomorrow morning.
And yeah, I go online late.

1:04 AM
boombox generation:

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Everytime I go online after breakfast, I ask myself why. It's so useless to sign into MSN Messenger at this time of the day because
1. No one's online except for Hakim

I think that's it.
I'm sleeping over at my grandmum's and the Limewire here is fantastic.

11:00 AM
boombox generation:

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Today is the seventeenth of January. Double-oh-seven! *hums the James Bond theme song dramatically*
Oh, HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY Chee Tong! Enjoy clubbing and learning how to drive. Movies too. Well, you're officially not a minor.

I just blogged for the sake of blogging.
I am sleepy now so I'll be getting ready for bed like... in a few minutes. I have to study for my darnnnn examinations. I am the only person in this household who does not have a school. My sister has La Salle, Jeremy has er..... some school. He'll be home-schooled for a while, I think.


I'm chatting with Benjamin now and he's telling me that he has two jobs to handle making life tougher for him because he has to sacrifice family time and DOTA time. Hahaha! Anyway, good luck to you :) If I were you, I'd lose one job and keep my DOTA time. Heh.

Good night people.
Tag, if you read my blog :D Even if I don't know you. You see, I am like Patricia Karunungan.

12:09 AM
boombox generation:

Monday, January 15, 2007

Oh, say,
"Wouldn't you like,
To be older and,
Married with me?"
Oh, say, "Wouldn't it be nice,
To know right now,
That we'll be,
Some day holding hands,
In the end?"
All our broken plans,
Will abend.
And I will kiss you soft,
So you know,

It is love,
From the first,
Time I pressed my lips against yours,
Thinking oh, is it love?

Do you remember how popular boy bands were in the late 90s?
Yes, the song charts used to be flooded by teenage love songs. Boy bands like The Backstreet Boys, The Moffats, A1, N'Sync, Westlife and several more. And all the girls were gaga over Nick Carter, or Brian McFadden. Shall I mention Justin Timberlake? But that's just me.
Then rock became popular.

Anyway, my sister listens to heaps of pop music nowadays and I somehow got influenced. I found myself singing along to a Backstreet Boys song. The title is 'How did I fall in love with you' which is not surprising. I do not want to sing to that song.

My Poveda entrance exams are coming up soon and I need to start studying.
I'm not nervous or calm, it's as if nothing's happening.

Oh, I uploaded icons :] The icons appear to be large because of the borders. I need to find a way to get rid of them.

5:49 PM
boombox generation:

Sunday, January 14, 2007

To all those men who think they are better than women:
Female animals are way more expensive than male.

1:28 PM
boombox generation:

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Alright, people.

I have decided to use Multiply. Meaning, my pictures will ALL be there but I will update here if I added more pictures there. Basically, I created the account due to frustration. Blame blogger. But that is okay. Blogger is good. Anyway, you can find my Multiply account HERE.

I didn't know what name to use so I stuck with God or Julie. Dang, I should have used DEARJAIME. Well, I can't change it anymore and I suppose it doesn't matter.

I just remembered an interesting but disturbing conversation I had with my 23-year old cousin. Legally my uncle. It's a long story and you shouldn't ask. Besides, I'm not blogging about that. The conversation, remember?

Me: I have two rabbits.
Kevin: Are they alive?
Me: Obviously. Why would they NOT be?
Kevin: Oh, I thought you were fattening them up so you could eat them.
Me: Ew, that's gross.
Kevin: Have you tried rabbits?
Me: *shudders* Are they good?
Kevin: Hm. I tried curry rabbit.
Me: *shudders once more* Was it good?
Kevin: It was bony.
Me: *looks pale*

So, there's your bedtime story :)

11:44 PM
boombox generation:

It's strangely quiet at home.

I will not explain in full-detail the events that happened these past few days. I want to thank Chee Tong and Fang Ee for visiting. It was fun :) All the eating and laughing.
And guy-watching. I can honestly say that I have never in my life eaten that much GOOD FOOD. I have got to start burning calories without having to walk all over a shopping mall.
You'll surely be missed.


And it still kills me to know that I can't be Sec 2 with my friends D:

9:18 PM
boombox generation:

Friday, January 12, 2007

Okay, now I remember why my legs hurt.

I went horseback-riding yesterday. I mean, the other day. And I didn't stretch before or after. Fine, tell me. Who the heck stretches anymore? Okay, it's MYYY fault. But still.

12:14 AM
boombox generation:

Thursday, January 11, 2007

We went to the beach today and it was annoyingly freezing.
You know those moments where you say (for example) 'I'm not going to swim today' and the next thing you know, you're jumping waves. Well, that's what happened to me a while ago. The boys flung me into the sea. And initiated sand-throwing. GAAAH.
I didn't exactly like the sensation of salt water slowly trickling down your sandy legs.
Or the wind blowing through my sticky hair. It was disgusting but really fun.

Patricia Karunungan, I will not say 'whacked' this time but I will say that I am tired.

10:24 PM
boombox generation:

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Sarah, Chee Tong, Fang Ee and I went to Mall of Asia. But before that, we went to Fort Santiago with my mom. I'm whacked.

I don't know what to sayyyyyyyy.
I miss certain people.

10:24 PM
boombox generation:

Monday, January 08, 2007

I forgot about these pictures. Anyway that's me, Dins and Agie in some hamper. We cried.
The first one shows my sis and I.

Ha ha ha

4:49 PM
boombox generation:

Sunday, January 07, 2007

I am back and whacked.

Let's see. What can I blog about. Maybe I'll delete this part when I'm done writing a superlong entry.

My grandmum's 80th was held at Palm's Country Club where manymanymany people showed up. Anyway, there were good performances and we played Happy Together flawlessly. Who am I kidding? I practically messed up my intro. But that's alright, I'm glad it's over. It was fun.

I don't know what to blog about now.

(more pictures pending)


10:40 PM
boombox generation:

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Okay, it is officially time to blog about happy things.


Pure bliss.
Okay, survey time.


I fear...
[ ] the dark
[ ] staying single forever
[ ] being a parent
[ ] giving birth
[ ] being myself in front of others
[ ] open spaces
[ ] closed spaces
[ ] heights
[ ] black cats
[ ] birds
[ ] fish
[ ] ants
[ ] driving
[ ] flying
[ ] flowers or other plants
[ ] being touched
[ ] fire
[1] dark water
[ ] the ocean
[ ] failure
[ ] success
[ ] thunder/lightning
[2] frogs/toads
[ ] my exes
[ ] my dad's exes
[ ] my mom's exes
[ ] mice/rats
[3] jumping from high places
[ ] snow
[ ] rain
[ ] wind
[ ] cotton balls
[ ] cemeteries
[4] clowns
[ ] large crowds
[ ] crossing bridges
[ ] death
[ ] Heaven
[ ] being robbed
[ ] men
[ ] women
[ ] having great responsibility
[ ] doctors, including dentists
[ ] tornadoes
[5] hurricanes
[6] diseases
[ ] snakes
[ ] sharks
[7] shots
[ ] Friday the 13th
[ ] poverty
[ ] ghosts
[ ] Halloween
[ ] school
[ ] trains or railroads
[ ] odd numbers
[ ] even numbers
[ ] being alone
[8] being blind
[9] being deaf
[ ] growing up
[10] monsters under my bed
[ ] creepy noises in the night
[ ] bee stings
[11] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[12] needles
[ ] blood
[13] someone you love or care about getting hurt
[14] someone you love or care about hurting you
[ ] love

I fear 14 out of 71 things.

Happy happy happy.

1. What does your friendster Name MEAN? Patricia means noble in latin :x
2. where was your default pic taken? Van
3. What is your current relationship status? Married! to avoid pornographic dudes
4. Honestly, does your crush like you? Uh, I don't have a crush, you see :\
5. What is your current mood? Happy?
6. What do you love most? What is referring to some THING? I would have to say food.
7. If you MUST be an animal for ONEday- what would you be? An otter
8. Ever have a near death experience? Yes. Cycling.
9. Something you do a lot? Go online and piss my sister off :D
10. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now? Walls by Emery
11. Do you prefer "sensitive boys"or "tough guys"? HAHAHA. I can only laugh.
12. Do you prefer blond or dark haired guys? Dark-haired.
13. How many things in your past do you regret? Can I not count :)
14. Do you have a best friend? Yeah.
15. What do you want to be when you growup? I want to be many things.
16. Have you ever kissed two people in one night? Kiss?
17. Where do you shop to buy most of your clothes? Hm. I don't know! I spent like 2 minutes thinking.
18. Who was the last person you hugged? I don't remember.
19. Have you ever had your heartbroken? I don't know how it feels.
20. Have you ever thought about it? About what
21. Have you ever wanted someone butyou knew you couldn't have them? Well, yeah. Man, that sucked.
22. If you could change anything aboutyour past, what would you change? My dad's boss. A nice boss who would consider forcing my dad to stay in S'pore.
23. Do you like your life? Yes, in fact, I do.
24. Do you shop at Hollister? No
25. Has one of your friends ever stolena boyfriend from you? Er, no.
26. Has one of your friends everstabbed you in the back? Hmm. Yeah, I guess so.
27. Did you forgive them? Yeah
28. Who is ur first best friend in ursec sch life? Nadiah :)
29. Do you have more friends that aregirls or boys? More girls
30. How long have you had friendster? Years?
31. Have you ever skipped school? Yes :)
32. Has anyone ever cheated on you? Uh no, I hope not
33. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face? Excluding Jeremy, no.
34. What is one of your biggest fears? Butterflies
35. Have you ever skipped class? Let's see. I skipped Chinese?
36. Has anyone close to you ever passedaway? Granddad. I miss him.
37. Have you ever cried yourself tosleep? Oh yeah.. It's terrible when you wake up.
38. Have you ever not been able to getsomeone out of your head? Hahahaha. Often.
39. Do you believe in the saying "oncea cheater, always a cheater"? Reminds me of FRIENDS.
40. Are you a player? I am not.
41. What is your screen name? Patricia. I have nothing else to put.
42. So far, do you like this survey? Uh
43. Have you ever had a good feeling about something and it came true? Yeah.
44. Do you ever wish you were famous? Yes, when I used to watch cartoons.
45. Do you ever wish you were a man? Once a month.
46. Do you think any men will open thisjust because it's labeled "The FemaleSurvey" ? I got this from Leena's blog.

8:49 PM
boombox generation:

All my relatives just left.

I will nevernevernever listen to Happy Together again after tomorrow because that's the day we gotta play it. Apparently, the Simple Plan version is too fast for our young bassist so we combined the old version and new one. If I ever hear that Turtle song again, I will be forced to, um, shoot myself with darts.
We played that song 723638234 times, that's why.

I am very tired and my fingers are sore.
And yes, I will not stop complaining. And I will write happy things next time.

5:24 PM
boombox generation:

Friday, January 05, 2007

Just some pictures in the camera :) Oh, I've been listening to FOB all day. I forgot how awesome their music is!

Sarah, Agie, Me, Dins at Friday's

Agie and me. I like the lights.

Las Paellas- Some of my cousins
Mary, Mindy, Trina
Michael, Dins, Agie, JEREMY, Sarah, Monch, Me
Isabel, Patti

Las Paellas. Jeremy! :) And the supernice sister being nice to him ;p

I swear I didn't teach him how to pose like that :x

We're having another party here later. And Michael's coming over to practice that song. Ho.

6:03 PM
boombox generation:

She cries helplessly every night
Carrying so much pain.

So tell me the truth
Did you really love her?
You don't deserve her.

You don't deserve her at all.

12:20 PM
boombox generation:

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I have been practicing Happy Together (Simple Plan) on my guitar and I don't get the the the solo. I've gotta play this with my cousins on the 7th. My grandmum's 80th birthday. My fingertips on my left hand feel really awkward and my neck is aching. I got so sick of looking down at the tabs so I taped them to the wall instead :[
I didn't get to concentrate so much on Happy Together because I was trying so hard to play MakeDamnSure but I COULDN'T GET IT RIGHT, DAMNIT. There Is is easy. Tabs here

Chasing Cars is nice. The verse. S. Like really nice.

I am tired.
My neck, I mean.

10:51 PM
boombox generation:

I know it's too soon to blog again but I just wanna say how blooooody bored I am and NO I don't bother including this in my previous entry!

1:12 PM
boombox generation:

You could say that today is one of those hot, slow days everyone hates.

Hayley Williams

I wanna do Grey's Anatomy.
And icons are actually just to keep me busy.

1:03 PM
boombox generation:

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I finally completed my documents for Poveda and Woodrose. So, it's either the Goldilocks uniform or the Red Ribbon uniform. Awesome.


I'm not done yet. I have moreeeeee.

I'm going out now. Shopping :x

1:07 PM
boombox generation: