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Patricia. i love the sea but i hate the beach. big difference.

talk time

no, you tell me

Amanda, Caris, Chee Tong, Chin Wen, Elizabeth, Fang Ee, Freya, Georgia, Geraldine, Hakim, Isabella, Ivan, Jun Khiang, Katty, Leena, Loza, Mao Jie, Marissa, Melissa, Miao Ying, Nadiah, Patricia, Samantha, Sarah, Starnia, Teoh Guan, Wei Lin, Yi Zhen, Yu Ling

pastimes (literally)

03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006
08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
01/01/2007 - 02/01/2007
02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
05/01/2007 - 06/01/2007
06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007
07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007
08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007
09/01/2007 - 10/01/2007
10/01/2007 - 11/01/2007
12/01/2007 - 01/01/2008
04/01/2008 - 05/01/2008
09/01/2008 - 10/01/2008


the picture was found on friendster. waw.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

We're leaving for Tagaytay in an hour, I think. My dad won't let us buy fireworks! Well, we can't leave them in our car. Too risky, if you know what I mean.

I really want to buy those huuuge fireworks. But we're only allowed to buy sparklers TT
To Pancakes- I can't stop thinking about that MOUNTAIN you're talking about.
I'll be back on the 1st. Take care everyone :D

Love you all,
Patricia L

PS, Mwahahaha!

2:20 PM
boombox generation:

I got this from PK's blog. It's the same cyborg name (well, duh) but my robot is sexy. Muahahaha.

Positronic Artificial Technician Responsible for Infiltration, Calculation and Immediate Assassination

Get Your Cyborg Name

12:06 AM
boombox generation:

Friday, December 29, 2006

I had lunch in Las Paellas. Then I went home and watched Marie Antoinette with my sister. Frankly, the movie sucked big-time. It was so boring! Well, the movie's about this princess who intends to become queen. And she needs to get pregnant but bla bla bla she's having a hard time getting her prince sexually active. The movie is boring. Don't watch it. I think the only part I enjoyed was the part they were showing all the nice desserts. We didn't get to see the end because we had to go to Gloria Maris dimsum kitchen.
The place is nice. The food is awesome. Many Chinese people love dining there. They don't speak mandarin, though.

After eating, we went home. On the way home, my mom mentioned this 'poem' I made when I was three. I won't call it a poem.
Because it went like this:
Who is that girl in the star city now?
Where is my cup?
She is drinking my milk in my cup in the star city now

And it goes on and on and on but none of us remember the rest of it.
It's really an embarrassing thing for me to include that in my entry. But I was three years old so I guess it doesn't really matter :D But damn, I was a strange little kid.

Tomorrow, we're going to Tagaytay (please don't try pronouncing it unless you're filipino and you don't have to laugh after saying it unlike some people who spell it as taGAYtay) to celebrate New Year's eve. It's gonna be cold.
Our desktop computer is busted. I hope my dad doesn't have to reformat it. If he does, well, DAMN I'LL BE DEAD WITHOUT MY SONGS AND I'LL HAVE TO LIVE WITH RADIOBLOG FOR THE REST OF ETERNITYYYYYY. Well, no. If my dad has to reformat it, that means NO LIMEWIRE ever ever ever. And I'll have to go to my cousin's house to download songs and transfer them to a cd. Troublesome.

My sister's in the kitchen making cake. The same cake.
I think we'll be taking it along with us tomorrow. Yummy.

I'm going to stop here 'cause I can feel myself getting hungry....... ^^

11:41 PM
boombox generation:

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Yellowcard. You just gotta love them.

6:02 PM
boombox generation:

Currently listening to Goodbye My Lover by James Blunt

Last night, when I switched off the lights and remembered I was wearing my glow-in-the-dark cat shirt. The cat was glowing luminously with hollow eyes staring back at me. It freaked me out so I pulled my covers over it and slept.

That was one ridiculous night.

I woke up about an hour ago and had my lunch. Apparently, it was TOO late for breakfast. I have honestly got to sleep before midnight. I'm looking real tired these days. If my sleeping-late-every-night thing continues, I might have to begin using concealers and I might also have to start skipping breakfast. That means, no more Honey Stars O.O NOOOOO!!

Sarah and I made this mocha refrigerator cake. Well, she made everything and I just helped pour the cream on the graham crackers. After making the cake, she put it in the fridge and left the excess mocha cream for me. I drank it. Well it was good :x
We made the cake to celebrate our parents' 20th wedding anniversary. The cake tasted heavenly, I tell you!

Oh, oh, I found this 'toy' that looks like a mini tennis racket but instead of nylon strings, there are metal wires. It also had a charger. Then I figured that it's used for killing mosquitos and flies. Hopefully it kills butterflies too. And it is definitely NOT a toy.

I talked to Patricia K over MSN last night. She told me that she's worried about me forgetting all I learned in Singapore over the six months of nothingness. Well, she need not be worried because I'll be studying during those six months. Not the whole time, of course. I'll be opening Secondary 2 text books from time to time. Oh yeah, PAT. It's reeeally cool Joel persuaded your mom to let you get another piercing! Nice of him :)
I have a master plan! (I don't know why I add 'master' before 'plan')
To earn money, I will teach my Korean neighbours how to speak english. Isn't it coooool. Unfortunately, not those cute Korean drama-looking teenage boys. Little girls and boys, most likely. Some of them are Jeremy's playmates.

This has definitely been the longest entry of the month! And nope, this doesn't contain any surveys :D *great achievement pose*

I like this new skin :3

Note to Michael: Are you still reading my blog?

12:41 PM
boombox generation:

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I get bored easily.
How am I supposed to fulfill my resolution? TT

Six horrible months. Time will be painfully slow.

*Dramatic moment, shut up*


11:24 PM
boombox generation:

This post is dedicated to Leena. LEENA LOVE! Hehe. And those who really don't have anything to do at home can read too. If you're planning to read, just scroll all the way to the end of this entry. Tagboard :D
Oh, I'm Patella.

26 Dec 06, 23:06
pk: oh, and good night.

26 Dec 06, 23:06
syafiq: drown yourself?

26 Dec 06, 23:06
syafiq: if only i knew who you were. i wish to kill you right now. honestly, you've come around wasting more than half an hour of our time to say something like that? you don't deserve leena. why don't yo

26 Dec 06, 23:03
pk: you dense, irritating, miniature beast of burden!

26 Dec 06, 23:03
pk: your substantives were inadequately structured and credibility was highly lacking. you committed ad hominem, the most treacherous fallacy of man.

26 Dec 06, 22:59
patella: .....

26 Dec 06, 22:59
anon: gd nite evry1 i love u leena

26 Dec 06, 22:59
pk: it's gone! yay! it finally sees the light!

26 Dec 06, 22:57
pk: you go to school, don't you?

26 Dec 06, 22:55
syafiq: can i just give you a piece of advice? before you go around spamming people, do learn how to construct a sentence properly.

26 Dec 06, 22:55
pk: ya lor. singlish alrd still cannot understand arh?

26 Dec 06, 22:54
patella: if you don't care, why'd you come in the first place?

26 Dec 06, 22:54
anon: u ppl suck n tok so chim i dun understand wadeva i dun care suckers

26 Dec 06, 22:53
leena; anon: aiyah no one cares about what you think okay. so just go lah. because no one cares about you or your really pathetic opinions.

26 Dec 06, 22:51
pk: yes, dear, it's time to retire for the night

26 Dec 06, 22:50
syafiq: oh dear idiot, just because no one sticks up for you doesn't make it right for you to be jealous. all right? why don't you go tuck yourself in?

26 Dec 06, 22:50
patella: well what can i say? leena's tagboard is the PERFECT! way to show your inner strength

26 Dec 06, 22:50
pk: being independent doesn't mean that a person has to deny her friends' rights to stick up for her.

26 Dec 06, 22:49
anon: i dunno y u tink im weak cos im vry strong de. n it's wrong becos she shud be independent

26 Dec 06, 22:48
pk: aww i didn't expect your taggie to recognise that swear word

26 Dec 06, 22:46
pk: *****.

26 Dec 06, 22:46
patella: if leena fought back, you'd be crying out for your boyfriend. wait, you're already doing that, right? wuss

26 Dec 06, 22:46
syafiq: hmm let's see. leena means the world to me. why is it wrong for me to stick up for her?

26 Dec 06, 22:45
patella: oh so now you're here for a different purpose? not to attempt ruining someone's day? hm?

26 Dec 06, 22:45
pk: she never asked us to do this for her. we chose to because we love her. she doesn't have to bother with you

26 Dec 06, 22:45
pk: you don't say mean things to people you want to be friends with it.

26 Dec 06, 22:45
anon: and leena ispathetic she need uther ppl fite her battle 4 her

26 Dec 06, 22:43
anon: why dont any of ulik me i juz wan friends

26 Dec 06, 22:43
pk: i concur. you're outnumbered, anyway.

26 Dec 06, 22:42
syafiq: you definitely don't love her like any of us do. so why don't you leave, huh? because you'd do all of us a favour.

26 Dec 06, 22:41
pk: oh my goose. it's so stupid. it totally misread the message

26 Dec 06, 22:41
patella: anon, you don't understand what he's saying clearly. can't you just shut up?

26 Dec 06, 22:41
anon to syafiq: what make u think i du love leena?

26 Dec 06, 22:40
pk: jealousy is ugly, my dear. it is unhealthy.

26 Dec 06, 22:39
syafiq: period.

26 Dec 06, 22:39
patella: to anon- just tell us why you care so much

26 Dec 06, 22:39
syafiq: one thing that leena isn't a flirt. at all.

26 Dec 06, 22:39
syafiq: i actually exist. and for your information, no one is interested in anything evil you have to say about leena cos we love her for who she is and if you can't accept that, go to hell. and i know for

26 Dec 06, 22:39
pk: it's a girl... a sissy bimbo one. oops, ugly bimbo

26 Dec 06, 22:38
patella: how come you're not asking who pk and patella are? c'mon be a man!

26 Dec 06, 22:38
pk: a real person, unlike you.

26 Dec 06, 22:38
patella: YEAH!!

26 Dec 06, 22:37
anon: who iz syafiq

26 Dec 06, 22:36
pk: YEAH!!

26 Dec 06, 22:36
syafiq: waaaaah just get lost lah. kpo. knncbkb you think people very free to entertain you is it? badak. GET LOST MAN.

26 Dec 06, 22:36
pk: no, you're just stupid

26 Dec 06, 22:36
patella: unlike you?

26 Dec 06, 22:35
anon: u ppl tok vry chim

26 Dec 06, 22:35
patella: you know what? we can live with it. you don't like us? FINE. just leave.

26 Dec 06, 22:34
pk: is he at its house right now, watching our widdle attacks at his widdle pet?

26 Dec 06, 22:34
patella: YOUR BF CALLS YOU ANON? that's so.. sad.

26 Dec 06, 22:34

26 Dec 06, 22:34
anon: hmph i dun lik u all. leena sucks. n i luv myself

26 Dec 06, 22:33
patella: that's some gentle comedy, pal

26 Dec 06, 22:33
pk: what a mumu

26 Dec 06, 22:32
anon's bf: who disturb my girlfriend?

26 Dec 06, 22:32
patella: is 'u all' including me? sure, he can beat me up. tell him to beat me up! okay? freako couple

26 Dec 06, 22:31
patella: hey, don't heat things up. YOU'RE THE ONE WHO IS TOO STUPID TO LABEL PEOPLE CORRECTLY.

26 Dec 06, 22:31
pk: jeez, get a life. do you even know what a flirt is?

26 Dec 06, 22:30
pk: i guess anon's out of words to use. i think it's the scrawny little boy thing that got to it

26 Dec 06, 22:30
anon: he know u all. he dun lik u too. muahaha. n i dun lik leena cos she flirt wit my bf

26 Dec 06, 22:30
pk: no new messages?

26 Dec 06, 22:29
pk: patella - LMAO YOU'RE SO FUNNY!!

26 Dec 06, 22:28
pk: oh, what a lowly creature, to have so much faith in a man. your boyfriend doesn't know who we are, where we go to school, how we look like or where we live. he's not superman, you know. he's human too

26 Dec 06, 22:28
leena; patella: LOL LOL LOL

26 Dec 06, 22:27
leena; anon: out of mine, huh?

26 Dec 06, 22:27
leena; anon: LOL i am not scared of your dear boyfriend. and it's okay, dear thing. you don't have to like me. i don't hold anything against you. why don't you just go around living your fulfilling life and stay

26 Dec 06, 22:27
patella: and i can't imagine how your BOYFRIEND can stand such a foolish person

26 Dec 06, 22:26

26 Dec 06, 22:26
anon: u all waiti get my bf beat ur up den u knw

26 Dec 06, 22:25
pk: looooooser.

26 Dec 06, 22:25
patella: if i were you, i'd walk away. if you're sooo fecking proud to be who you are, go somewhere else. seriously, a tagboard is the furthest you can go? loser.

26 Dec 06, 22:25
pk: HAHAHA she's wasting time talking to people she hates! or, since she's "anon", let's call her an IT!

26 Dec 06, 22:25
anon: go get help man. leena is stupid she don't need friends n u ppl suck suck suck suck suck lo

26 Dec 06, 22:24
anon: u ppl r friends wid a flirt

26 Dec 06, 22:24
pk: haha anon's excessive use of chatspeak will have the whole stanford epgy programme ready with torches and pitchforks for murder :D

26 Dec 06, 22:23
anon: who say i gt one house onecar i gt boyfriend i gt evrythin. i dun need beauty. adb i don need flirt to gt boyfriend

26 Dec 06, 22:23
patella: hey, why don't you brush up your english before implying she's one. the way i see things, you're too stupid to even label people correctly.

26 Dec 06, 22:23
leena; pk: LOL

26 Dec 06, 22:22
pk: ey, it takes one to know one you know. that means you're a flirt, and ugly too! or rather, you're just jealous because you're not blessed ;p

26 Dec 06, 22:21
pk: hehehe let's bounce this ugly person out of your tagboard!

26 Dec 06, 22:21
anon: why u all come here n make trouble i m juz statin d truth. and leena is a flairt bigbigflirt

26 Dec 06, 22:20
leena; patella: i agree whole heartedly : )

26 Dec 06, 22:20
leena; pk: YEAH. spammers suck.

26 Dec 06, 22:19
pk: oh, by the way, you're a big coward, insulting people like that without even leaving your name. what a loser T.T

26 Dec 06, 22:19
patella: to anon- get a life. if you actually had one, you'd stop butting into LEENA'S!

26 Dec 06, 22:18
pk: hey anon, if you think that way, get off this blog. it's a waste of your time.

26 Dec 06, 22:17
anon: i hate u. u suck. suck suk suck. u flirt. u flirt. u tok crap. u are ugly. i hate u. muahaha.

11:11 PM
boombox generation:

Okay, it's time to make a long entry.

Anyway, I'm watching the last episode of FRIENDS and crying. I love FRIENDS. It's my favouritestestest show EVER! I can watch the same episode ten times without getting bored. It's really funny :D

Oh yeah, in the mall, I counted over 150 Koreans. They're all over the Phils. We also have Korean neighbours. If you're a fan of hot Korean dudes from Korean dramas... You should be jealous. 'Cause, seriously, they're everywhere >:D

I'm so not in the mood to make this long.
I started at 2:52 pm.
It's 4:27. Gah

4:27 PM
boombox generation:

Monday, December 25, 2006


May God bless y'all :D

1:50 AM
boombox generation:

Sunday, December 24, 2006

I'm here to update! Christmas is very near :D

I bought jeans today in Town Center and my foot got scratched by this metal thing. It was sharp and my mom filed a complaint. She also shouted 'baka ma-tetanus yung anak ko!'
HAHAHA. Leena might understand. Similar to Bahasa :) Well, it translates to 'my kid might get tetanus'. It's funny in Filipino. Tetanus is scaary and I can't afford getting it. Anyway, I don't get why things involving blades and nails happen to me. Slipping and tripping is usual. Then we went to Starbucks for coffee. Michael & his family were there. I realized that we spend a lottt of time with them.. It's fun :)

Gah. My toe hurts, damnit.

I'm so excited ^^ Oh, there were nuns who came over for carolling. It was nice.

Feliz Navidad! Um, Merry Christmas :)

12:41 AM
boombox generation:

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I'm blogging to kill time. Patricia recommended Ouran because I was bored. Since my youtube is so slow, I'm blogging. To kill time, like I mentioned.

If you like reading my tagboard (or others) then you must know that I slapped Patricia across the face and hurt her. It was because her molar band poked her or something. I slapped her for fun (with her consent). AND SO I DID. She cried, I think. Well that's what she said. My memory of this incident is rather vague..... I cried too. Damn. I'm sorry Patricia!

If you're just a passer-by, Patricia is my friend and yes, we share the same name.

I hope the video is done loading :[

9:53 PM
boombox generation:

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

[1] Are you in a complicated

[2] Do you hate more than 3 people?
I'm not into hating

[3] How many houses have you lived in?

[4] Favorite candy bar?

[5] What are you currently listening
The No Seatbelt Song by Brand New

[6] Have you ever tripped someone?

[7] Least favorite school subject?
I'm out of school youth

[8] How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Er… I don't count but definitely less than 20

[9] Do you own a Britney Spears CD?
I used to own a Britney Spears cassette?

[10] Have you ever thrown up in public?
Yeah, once. A public toilet. Hah

[11] Name one thing that is always on
your mind?

[12] Favorite genre of music?
Alternative rock

[13] What is your zodiac sign?

[14] What time were you born?
I don't remember. Hah, I don’t know

[15] Do you like beer?
No. It makes your breath stink. No, it stinks

[16] Have you made a prank phone call?
I was never into that

[17] What is the most embarrassing CD
you own?
Hmmm. Music can't embarrass me

[18] Are you sarcastic?
I can be sarcastic but I can't tell when others are

[19] What are your favorite color(s)?

[20] How many watches do you own?
Not many. I don't use them. heh

[21] Summer or winter?

[22] Is anyone in love with you?

[23] Favorite Color To Wear ?
Blue, and I don’t know why

[24] Pepsi or sprite?
I don't drink soda!!! Why do these questions pop up in surveys

[25] Ever been out of the country?

[26] Where is your second home?
Singapore :)

[27] Have you ever slapped someone?
Hahahaha yeah

[28] How many states have you been in?
USA? Around 5?

[29] How many lamps are in your bedroom

[30] How many video games do you own?
I need that football game from Michael, I just remembered

[31] What was your first pet?
A bird, I think. GINGER! Haha

[32] Ever had braces?
Yes. Blame the retainers, I need em again

[33] Do looks matter?
Not really but hey, good looks are welcome

[34] Do you use chapstick?

[35] What is your favorite class in
High school?
I’m out of school youth

[36] American Eagle or Abercrombie?
Abercrombie. I don't have any AE clothes

[37] Are you too forgiving?
It takes time :)

[38] How many children do you want?
I'll decide in about ten years

[39] Do you own anything from Hot

[40] Favorite breakfast meal?

[41] Do you own a gun?

[42] Ever thought you were in love?
Yeah, sure

[43] When was the last time you cried?

[44] What did you do 2 nights ago?
Uh. I don't remember.

[45] Been to the Olive Garden?

[46] Have you ever called your teacher
My mom was my teacher

[47] Have you ever been in a castle?
Hahaha King Arthur's pizza palace! Okay, whatever

[48] Nicknames
I'll pass

[49] Do you know anyone named Bertha?

[50] Ever been to Kentucky?
Kentucky Fried Chicken? Hahah, yes

[51] Do you own something from Banana

[52] Are you thinking about somebody
right now?
I was thinking about Banana Republic a few seconds ago

[53] Ever call somebody Boo?
Mister Boo

[54] How many people have you kissed?
I lost count

[55] Do you own a diamond ring?
Nope. Diamonds aren’t my thing

[56] Are you happy with your life
Sure I am

[57] Do you like your hair?
I feel like getting a haircut.. AGAIN

[58] Does anyone have a crush on you?
I'm hoping Johnny Depp has a crush on me

[59] Any siblings?

[60] What were you doing in May of
Getting breastfed

[61] Do you own a Backstreet Boys CD?
Hahahaha. Yes.

[63] Do you like yourself?
Sure I do

[64] Are you closer to your mother or
Mommy :)

[65] Favorite physical feature of the
preferred sex?

[66] Are you afraid of the dark?

[67] Have you ever eaten paste?
Paste as in… The adhesive? NO! That's disgusting!

[68] Do you own a webcam?
Yeah lol

[69] Have you ever stripped?
Before showering, yes

[70] Ever broke a bone?

[71] Are you religious?
You be the judge

[72] Do you chat on AIM often?
I don't use that

[73] Pringles or Lays?

[74] Have you ever broken someone's
I hope not

[75] Full house or The Brady Bunch?
The Brady Bunch

[76] Own an ipod, mp3 player, cd
Yeah. But not an iPod :[

[77] Do you like your high school
guidance counselor?
She's the only person I hate. She ruined my life in Beatty

9:31 PM
boombox generation:

So take me & break me.

A Christmas party in an orphanage was organized by my aunt and I went. Most of my relatives did. It feels good to make kids happy :) And we're tremendously blessed. So I shan't ask for so many things from my parents :\

I'm so tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired. I spent time going back and forth from Topman to Adidas back to Topman then to Adidas again then Topman. Again. Blame Michael. Now I'm too tired to turn on the television (the computer was on when I got home). Topman is really cool. I actually LIKE the clothes there. Dang, my sister thinks I'm turning into a tomboy. Ughhh. I may not be girly (PK-- compared to you, I'm considered girly haha) but still!!!!!!! I don't like shopping too much. Tiring. And yeah, I still have to go Christmas shopping -.-||

I don't have much to blog about now.
Jeez, I miss Singapore and the people in it so !@#$%^&*!@#$% much.


8:04 PM
boombox generation:

Monday, December 18, 2006

I'm here to blog. Not to icon XD
I didn't go online yesterday because I was out. The whole day. I'm at home now and I'm sleepy. But I'll get to that a little later on.
My sister and I watched Cat In The Hat on DVD then went to church after. Cat In The Hat is an amusing movie. I like it :D

The DSAPI (Down Syndrome Association of the Philippines Inc.) had their Christmas party yesterday. There was dancing and games for everyone but I didn't participate. We were only there because my dad was one of the board members. Shockingly, kids with Down Syndrome dance so damn well.
My cousins, Patti & Trissy, held their birthday celebration together in Jollibee. For lunch, I think. Maybe not lunch 'cause it was at three. The emcee spoke (slurred) in this gay + thick American-but-not-really-more-of-veejay accent. Funny.

Thennnnnnnnn Sarah and I went to Metrowalk with Michael's family to go shopping. It was already dark out at 6. We went to Powerplant to catch The Nativity. The story of Jesus' birth. Very Christmassy.
We slept in Michael's house. I didn't really SLEEP. We watched Almost Famous then Chocolat afterwards.
I have two comments (Chocolat)
1. Johnny Depp is handsome
2. Chocolate is good

Stating the obvious? Yeah, I know.
I forced Michael to stay up with me until 5 am. But then I slept at 530 because of roosters. Ughhhhh.

I barely slept. Only for about....... 2 hours? Blahhh D:<
I need to get this right.

Seeya xo

1:01 PM
boombox generation:

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Dad's back :D

Lilo & Stitch 2 is on Disney Channel right now. Man, the last time my sister watched this, we cried. I know it sounds childish but it REALLY is sad! AND Lilo and Stitch are really cute together. The hula instructor talks in a clear, absurd manner.

When we were on our way to the airport to fetch Dad, our driver told us that his (note to benjamin: the driver, not the dad) phone & money got snatched by three men. He refused at first so they er, beat him up. This affected me greatly.
I'm afraid to go out during the night. Even just outside to walk up and down the street.


11:11 PM
boombox generation:

More icons for those who honestly don't have anything to do online.
'Those' includes me.

Yeah, it's HAYLEY WILLIAMS from Paramore!
Dang, I'm craving for mooncakes. The lotus paste one. With the white skin. I don't know what it's really called. But I know that it's white. And good. And cold.
WHATTHEHECK. Don't ever mention mooncakes to me.

3:30 PM
boombox generation:

Friday, December 15, 2006

I am bored to the earth's soldering core.

I am seeeeriously bored. There's nothing to do but unpack. And I'm not in the mood for that! I've been listening to Plus 44 since I-don't-know-exactly-because-I-lost-track-of-time. Good stuff.

I am still hungry because I am a bottomless pit. Grrr.

10:36 PM
boombox generation:

ICONS just 'cause I'm bored.


8:52 PM
boombox generation:

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I was supposed to sleep at 3:30 am but I ended up sleeping at 5 something.

I have Very Good Reasons.
Very Good Reason number one:
Our neighbour owns a rooster. As we all know, roosters go cock-a-doodle-doo in the morning. It was around 4 am and people were sleeping. I think I was the only one who was up to listen to all that noise.
Very Good Reason number two:
I did mention in my previous entry that I was hungry? Yeah, my stomach was moaning and groaning for food. Really hungry.
Very Good Reason number three:
I was listening to Velocity Girl by Snow Patrol again and again. It's a shame they don't have it on radioblog.
Very Good Reason number four:
My room smelled of garlic bread. I like garlic bread. AND I WAS HUNGRY. What do you expect? A sleepless night, of course.

Yes, that's all I've got. I woke up at 11 am. So now I'm really sleepy. Ugh.
It's scorching hot here. Too hot for a good nap. But then again, I never have good naps.

Caffeine is the way.

2:26 PM
boombox generation:

It's 3am and I'm still awake. And online. I'm not sleepy and now I'm praying I don't become nocturnal. Well, I'm transferring songs to my mom's memory card, then I'll Bluetooth them to my phone. Er, my dad kind of lost my USB cable. Damn. There are too many wonderful songs. I need an iPod with 60GB memory capacity. Or I'll just lug this computer around with me all day which is so not possible.

My dad's going to Singapore in a few hours *bangs head against the screen*
It's possible to smuggle humans in, right? HAHAHA alright, I shall not attempt to fit myself into one of his bags.

I'm not sleepy yettttttt. I took a nap. And food made me better. Hahahhaa.
I AM HUNGRY. My body is telling me to eat breakfast. Drat, it isn't even time for that.

(shewt, I shouldn't add a Y)

P.S. I hope I don't become an owl.

3:11 AM
boombox generation:

Monday, December 11, 2006

I'm online! :D Okay, whatever.

Anyway, we've stopped assembling furniture. We're in the process of opening the remaining boxes containing appliances, and other things including clothes. I couldn't sleep last night because of the wind. I hope this doesn't happen again tonight. The blinds knock the shelves. Since my imagination was running SO wild last night, I saw a tall dark figure standing in the balcony, knocking on the door. I closed my eyes and visualized it banging the door open and chewing my legs off. I was really scared. This is another reason why I HATE typhoons. I'm glad it passed quickly. It's still chilly though. I like chilly. So chilly is okay :D

I was in the kitchen helping my mom and helpers. I opened the food processor box. My mom let me play with it as long as I cleaned after. So I played with it and made apple juice since there were only apples in the fridge. I made lotsssss of it LOL. It was so fun (haha)! When there were no more apples, I dismantled (I had to) the whole thing and wash it. The bladey thingy (okay, don't correct me because I REALLY don't know what it's called. And I don't bother checking the manual) was the hardest to wash because of all the pulp stuck in the holes. I didn't manage to scrub it off using the sponge so I used my thumb to rub it off. Don't get me wrong, it DID work. But it also caused my thumb to bleed. So my already damaged thumb had been damaged further. I can be really dumbbbb at times.

Before all this happened, Jeremy and I went to the sari-sari store next door. He bought heaps of candy which later made him hyperactive. It was reeeeeaaaaally funny.

He was in our backyard for hours and when I decided to check on him, he did this. So I took a picture from the balcony :D THIS IS HIS BIG ART ATTACK. Hahahahahahaha. (To Leena: I edited my haha)


I got this from Georgia's blog :] We just get too bored.

1. Where do you hang your towel after showering?
The towel hook?

2. What kind of mouse pad do you have?

It's black and I don't really care about it.

3. Do you brush your hair with a comb or brush?

Either one. Depends on which I get my hands on first.

4. Who do you think is the hottest celebrity?

Kate Beckinsale

5. You have a project due tomorrow, do you use tape or glue?

You mean I need to tape/glue the paper together? I'd staple.

6. Chicken or pork?


7. By the time you get to school, is it still dark?

I'm out of school youth, baby!

8. If you had a choice to be a unicorn or mermaid, which would it be?

I'd rather not :[

9. What color is your underwear?

(I skipped this question)

10. What time does the sun usually set?

Here? 6 pm.

11. What do you think of before you go to sleep?

I think of all the things I did for the day and end up drowning in self-pity which seems (IS) totally humiliating :x

12. AC or fan?


13. Do you wear braces?


14. Can you do a hand stand?


15. If you were the opposite sex, how would you style your hair?

I don't knowwww. I don't think I would care. Maybe. I'd be a scrawny boy nyahaha and a shame to my own kind. Okay, stupid thoughts.

16. What level English are you in?

What about you?

17. Jessica Simpson or Alba?

You mean Jessica Alba? Oh, neither.

18. Which subject is worse, English or Maths?

Both are easy

19. What is the one thing that you really want to do at this very moment?


20. What movie are you embarrassed to admit you've watched?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. Legally Blonde 2. AHHHH.

21. CD player or iPod?


22. Would you rather spin upside down going 30miles, or drop 400 ft. into the water?

I'm supposed to pick one, right?

23. What is your favorite shape?

I don't really mind

24. What do you have planned for the weekend?

Nothing yet

25. Have you ever gone ice skating?

Not once have I tried. I can't even roller blade. DON'T LAUGH AT ME.

26. If you were put in a room with nothing except for a pencil and paper, what would you do?

Exit the room

27. Is it easy finding your remote every time you want to watch TV?

When I go over to the TV, there are remote control hogs stationed infront of it. I don't have to find it.

28. How was your day?

29. Do you grow your nails, bite or cut them?

I just cut them short so now I'm growing them till they're longggggggggggg. Er.

30. Describe your handwriting?

I don't write these days. So I don't know how it's like anymore.

31. Do you consider yourself a stalker?

I read blogs. Does that make me a stalker? Well, it's an online blog after all.

32. Do you bruise easily?


33. There's nothing on TV except Barney and Japanese news what do you do?

Watch Barney, insult him for some time then go over to the computer to watch shows on youtube. Ha.

34. Do you know more than 3 myspace codes?


35. You got a essay due, you either can type or write in pen, which will it be?

Dumb questions. Type.

36. Do you wear jeans to relax at home?

Jeans at home make my legs hot. (I should wear jeans at home more often lol just kidding)


9:11 PM
boombox generation:

And it's here, damn it!
It's so cold and noisy. Grrrrrr. Stay in. If you're in Singapore and you don't have typhoons there, well, lucky you. Get outta your house instead of staying in (like me) because of my fear of falling coconuts.

I'm really busy opening boxes and arranging furniture, so I guess I won't be seen online often. We didn't go to mass at 9 am because I woke up late. Oh well.

To all those who became nocturnal: that is so, so wrong. And I'm sleepy.
Enjoy the night.

12:01 AM
boombox generation:

Saturday, December 09, 2006

THE CONTAINER ARRIVED THIS MORNING. There are 198 boxes! It's overwhelming :o

Today is my granddad's 2nd death anniversary. All of my relatives (mom's side) went to the cemetery. I was in grrrrreat pain at that time. My mom gave me a pain killer and so I took it. It didn't take effect immediately. It didn't take effect AT ALL. She accidentally gave me an antacid instead of a Panadol. Sometimes, I just wish I were a boy. Okay, I take it back. I do NOT want to be a boy. There are just times, okay? But, seriously, I don't.

After that, they all came over to sit around for a few minutes then leave for lunch. We ate in Pancake House. I didn't really eat anything because of the terrible dismenorrhea (I don't know how to spell it! I'll check the Midol box later). Then Michael had to leave for his date with Chang. We were all teasing him about it HAHAHA.

Everyone came over to bummmmmm. And some helped open boxes. There are too many.
Everyone left already. My sister's out with her friends. I was supposed to go to ATC but I'm too tiiiiired. I gotta sleep early tonight because mass is at 9 am.

I have a PLAN to help me continue eating heavily (evil laugh here).
I will open boxes and more boxes and eat. Hopefully opening boxes will help me lose weight. I loove the food here. I love food everywhere :D Take me on a food trip and I'll love you forever. Now you know what to do for my birthday. Nyaha.


5:56 PM
boombox generation:

Friday, December 08, 2006

I went out with Freya and Pauline today. We watched Deck the Halls. It was okay. Very cliche but still okay. Christmas-y :D

My mom fetched me from Town Centre then we went home.
We (Jeremy too) went to church to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. That was around 7? Yeah. AND OMG OMG JEREMY HAS A CRUSHHHHHHH ON A GIRL FROM CHURCH! HAHAHAHHAHAHA. Believe me, he does.

Now I'm back home. Lalalala. I love Out of My League <3

I got this from Leena's blog.

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense. NO CHEATING!

How do you feel today? Banana Pancakes

What's your outlook on life? Hurt

What does your family think of you? Upside Down

What do your friends think of you? Yellow

What do strangers think of you? Better With You

What do your exes think of you? Blue and Yellow

How has your love life been so far? Speed of Sound

Will you get married? Saturday

Will you have kids? Ohio is For Lovers

Are you in school? Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off

Will you be successful in life? Be My Escape

What song should they play on your birthday? For You I Will

What song should they play at your funeral? Free Loop

The Soundtrack of Your Life: I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy And All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me

You and your best friend are: Lights and Sounds

Happy times: Knew it All Along

Sad times: Lunacy Fringe

Every day: More Than Useless

For tomorrow: Oxygen


9:02 PM
boombox generation:

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Stephen Speaks - Out of My League
<------ (last one)

It's her hair and her eyes today
That just simply take me away
And the feeling that I'm falling further in love
Makes me shiver but in a good way
All the times I have sat and stared
As she thoughtfully thumbs through her hair
And she purses her lips, bats her eyes
And she plays with me sittin’ there slack-jawed
And nothing to say

Cause I love her with all that I am
And my voice shakes along with my hands
Cause she's all that I see and she's all that I need
And I'm out of my league once again

It's a masterful melody
When she calls out my name to me
As the world spins around her
She laughs, rolls her eyes,
And I feel like I'm fallin’ but it's no surprise.
Cause I love her with all that I am
And my voice shakes along with my hands
Cause it's frightening to be swimming in this strange sea
But I'd rather be here than on land
Yes she's all that I see and she's all that I need
And I'm out of my league once again.

It's her hair and her eyes today
That just simply take me away
And the feeling that I'm falling further in love
Makes me shiver but in a good way
All the times I have sat and stared
As she thoughtfully thumbs through her hair
As she purses her lips, bats her eyes
And she plays with me sittin’ there slack-jawed
And nothing to say.

Cause I love her with all that I am
And my voice shakes along with my hands
Cause it's frightening to be swimming in this strange sea
But I'd rather be here than on land
Yes she's all that I see and she's all that I need
And I'm out of my league once again.

(The person who came up with the lyrics must've been in love.
Anyway, I love this song)

Oh Smuckers, I remembered that I have a bedtime :(
Last night, Jeremy locked his bedroom door.
My sister and I were supposed to sleep already.
But annoying Jeremy had to get us into trouble.
So now, ALL OF US HAVE TO SLEEP AT TEN. Ugh, Jeremy.

5:55 PM
boombox generation:

Yesterday, we went refrigerator-shopping. The new refrigerator arrived an hour ago. I like big, shiny refrigerators <3

Today, I discovered something I have. Something that runs in my family. Some people call this a gift. Some call it a curse. I don't know what it really means. Some people won't believe me if I tell them. Some will. I know some will. I don't want to have this gift. Or curse? You may think I'm not making any sense. If only you knew. I am making sense. A lot of sense. Can you guess what I'm talking about? Please don't tag about this.

I'll be okay, right?

4:45 PM
boombox generation:

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I didn't know what to do this morning so I got a haircut.
I guess I'm running out of things to do at home. Eat sleep eat sleep eat eat eat sleep eat. Eat again.

Oh boyyyyy.

1:16 PM
boombox generation:

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I polished a brass swan for two hours. The cleaning formula stinks real bad and I had to inhale all that for quite a long time. I don't remember why I polished the swan, anyway. Okay, it's shiny now. Sooooooo?
My hands are dry. Oh well.

I watched Happy Feet last Saturday (or was that Sunday?). The baby penguins are so cute! The movie isn't only for kids because the punch lines are those which little kids won't understand. It's funny, the movie. I want to be a baby penguin and have baby penguin friends :D

I changed my tagboard already but the scrollbar is still messed. I need Adobe Photoshop :(

I don't know what to say now. Oh, I know! I'm eating non-stop. There.

2:59 PM
boombox generation:

Monday, December 04, 2006

I changed my skin 'cause I was getting the wrong vibes from the previous one. Okay, (haha) It's just me being lame again. I was bored, so I changed my skin. Wei Lin, look what you did to me! I'm freaking lame.

Good night sleepyheads.

11:00 PM
boombox generation:

Days come and go slowly.

11:44 AM
boombox generation:

Sunday, December 03, 2006

I don't feel like tagging my board today.

My family and I had lunch with grandmum today. She told us how she met our granddad. And that she didn't know she was already married to him twenty-three days before their actual wedding ceremony (church). It was hilarious.

My sister and I will be watching Happy Feet with Michael later this afternoon. I invited his little sister to come along and his facial expression was all 'WHAT?' when I did. Anyway, Michael's our cousin. He wanted to spend some time with us, haha. I guess all older brothers are mean to their little sisters. The majority, anyway :D

I miss Singapore X(

12:00 AM
boombox generation:

Friday, December 01, 2006


Plain White T's - A Long September

I'm sittin' here all by myself
just tryin' to think of something to do
Tryin' to think of something, anything
just to keep me from thinking of you
But you know it's not working out
'cause you're all that's on my mind
One thought of you is all it takes
to leave the rest of the world behind

Well I didn't mean for this to go as far as it did
And I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did
And you didn't mean to love me but I know you did

I'm sittin' here tryin' to convince myself
that you're not the one for me
But the more I think, the less I believe it
and the more I want you here with me
You know the holidays are coming up
I don't want to spend them alone
Memories of Christmas time with you
will just kill me if I'm on my own, oh

Well I didn't mean for this to go as far as it did
And I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did
And you didn't mean to love me back

I know it's not the smartest thing to do
we just can't seem to get it right
But what I wouldn't give to have one more chance tonight

I'm sittin' here tryin' to entertain myself with this old guitar
But with all my inspiration gone it's not gettin' me very far
I look around my room and everything I see reminds me of you
Oh please, baby won't you take my hand
we've got nothing left to prove

Well I didn't mean for this to go as far as it did
And I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did
And you didn't mean to love me back, but I know you did

And I didn't mean to meet you then we were just kids
And I didn't mean to give you chills the way that I kiss
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did
And you didn't mean to love me back but I know you did
Don't say you didn't love me back 'cause you know you did
No, you didn't mean to love me back
But you did

6:10 AM
boombox generation: