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Patricia. i love the sea but i hate the beach. big difference.

talk time

no, you tell me

Amanda, Caris, Chee Tong, Chin Wen, Elizabeth, Fang Ee, Freya, Georgia, Geraldine, Hakim, Isabella, Ivan, Jun Khiang, Katty, Leena, Loza, Mao Jie, Marissa, Melissa, Miao Ying, Nadiah, Patricia, Samantha, Sarah, Starnia, Teoh Guan, Wei Lin, Yi Zhen, Yu Ling

pastimes (literally)

03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006
08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
01/01/2007 - 02/01/2007
02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
05/01/2007 - 06/01/2007
06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007
07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007
08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007
09/01/2007 - 10/01/2007
10/01/2007 - 11/01/2007
12/01/2007 - 01/01/2008
04/01/2008 - 05/01/2008
09/01/2008 - 10/01/2008


the picture was found on friendster. waw.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

YAY Durian has not arrived. It's kinda odd using 'Durian'. Anyway, I'm glad it hasn't arrived. That means I can use the internet longer (haha). It's really, really windy though. Melissa asked me if buildings would fall (she was kinda freaked about the buildings, I think). Trees, billboards (or is it bilboards? Ugh, I don't know) and posts fall everytime. I don't live near big trees or billboards(?). I live near lamp posts and a coconut tree :) I still want to climb that tree. It looks painful, but fun.

I'm up early because our gardener shouts all the time -.-

6:06 PM
boombox generation:


Okay, I'm too excited. I'm getting worse by the hour. I'll be okay soon.. Hopefully. ANYWAY, a typhoon will hit Manila at midnight and it'll be really strong. The power will be cut so I guess I won't be going online for sometime. I'll so miss going online. The last time Manila endured a typhoon, there wasn't any electricity for 6 days. Typhoons happen three times (I think) a year. So this is one thing I hate about this country. It's cool that we're the 3rd happiest country in the world. Coooooool :D

Miss y'all <3

4:43 AM
boombox generation:

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I can't leave the room or else I'll have a sneezing fit. There's so much dust in this house. Right now, I'm sitting on the floor right beside a box of Kleenex. Runny noses aren't pretty.

Someone's coming later this afternoon to set up the Internet access. Broadband, finally.
I think I'm too lazy to upload pictures.


9:56 PM
boombox generation:

The previous entry was posted not long ago. I wrote it on that day though. I'm using Internet Explorer to blog right now. Firefox is a bit screwed when I use dial-up. It's really dusty here at home. The gardeners are fixing up our lawn so loose soil is exposed and somehow enters the house making it covered by at least an inch of filth. That was a bit exaggerated. Not an inch. My throat is sore and it kind of irritated my ears. They are clean, mind you.

Anyway, I'm actually doing things instead of sitting around and sulking to myself + watching Dr. Phil. How cool is that? I can watch Dr. Phil here. It's not that much of a big deal but it somehow amuses me. It's pretty similar to Oprah.

So what can I say now? Oh, my mom and I fixed up our Christmas tree. It is very pretty with all the pretty lights :)

I think this is all I'll be blogging for today.

6:00 AM
boombox generation:

Monday, November 27, 2006

I'm sitting on the floor trying to think about what happened these past few days.

Jeremy 'ran away' again. I think that was last Friday? He took our luggage and exited the hotel room without us (me, Yaya, Sarah) noticing. He was remarkably fast. When we finally realized that the rooms were quieter than usual, we began searching everywhere for Jeremy. I asked a cleaner if he saw a boy wearing a black shirt and he said that he saw a kid with a disabled tag around his neck. The cleaner also mentioned that he helped the kid get into a taxi because he was disabled and assumingly needed help.

How dumb can people get? The concierge blamed us for not keeping a good eye on Jeremy. Fine, we didn't do what we were supposed to do but you DO NOT let a disabled child without any adult get into a taxi. We made a couple of police reports. Contacted the airport police because the three of us knew he would go to the airport.

So Jeremy was alright. Apparently, the taxi driver left Jeremy at terminal 2 (Singapore Airlines) knowing he had no cash to pay. The taxi driver committed an irresponsible act--leaving Jeremy alone. Again, how dumb can people get? I'm not saying I'm the brightest moron around, I'm just saying that some people need to knock some sense into themselves. By the way, Jeremy was almost on his way to Germany.

None of this would have happened if we kept a good eye on my brother.

Now, I'll talk about Saturday. I don't remember anything that happened last Saturday so let us all forget about me telling you what happened on Saturday. My English is becoming horrible.

I thought 26th November would never come. It did and now it's over. Right now, I'm sitting on the floor with my mom’s laptop on the bed. The house went through major renovation and I can’t recognize it anymore. When I sit down on the couch and look at rooms that are the same, I don’t know… it doesn’t feel like home. Maybe it is a nice place to live in. Not really a place to call home.

When I left Singapore, I didn't cry much. Last night, my mom told me not to hide my emotions and said it's okay to cry. So I cried the whole night. Damn, I couldn't stop the waterfalls. I wanted to be sedated. I don't like crying :\

I miss Singapore.
I miss my friends!
I miss Trellis Towers.
I miss you.

Thanks to everyone who went to Changi airport yesterday. Love y'all <3

9:19 PM
boombox generation:

Thursday, November 23, 2006

I get too bored at home. I got so bored yesterday that I played with a roll of masking tape. First, I taped my knees together. Then I stood up and walked around. After realizing how UNchallenging (haha) it was, I removed it and taped my ankles instead. I stood up and fell flat on the ground. This is what vacations do to me. How am I supposed to fulfill my resolution? (& by the way, it is SO hard not to say 'I KNOW, RIGHT')

There are seeeew many boxes piled up in our living room. Heaps and heaps. I hide behind them sometimes. It's kind of fun when I shout behind them. Everyone wonders where I am and they start freaking out 'cause I can't be seen. Hahahaha. It's so fun. (This is another effect of vacationing)
When I'm behind the boxes, I eat junk food (<--I'm growing this way-->) and play with bubble wrap. Bubble wrap is the best thing ever. I read that line again and realized how lame I can get. Who cares. If there are too many unused boxes left, I'll make a fort. Gee, I was only kidding and now I'm excited.
What is with me??

I feel so weird.

We're moving to Holiday Inn (Cavenagh) tomorrow. I'm kind of (very) excited. I like hotels. You get nice breakfast buffets, free shampoo XD and other stuff. The bedsheets are always cold. They smell nice too. If you think I'm strange, it's okay. I think I'm strange too.

I am going to miss this place. It's funny thinking I won't be waking up here ever. I shall not ruin my happy-happy-Patricia mood. And be happy.

I am happy.

3:28 AM
boombox generation:

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Brenda, Yu Ling, Nadiah, Starnia, Melissa and Germaine came over yesterday with a cake for me :) They're so nice <3

The men packing our stuff are still here. The smell of sweaty men + cardboard + dust makes me sneeze. I have to help pack but I choose to blog about stuff. My friends came over yesterday when the men started. We went down to the pool and camwhored like never before. I'll post pictures some other day.

It was reeeaally fun. I'm having allergies now. My sister's attending her prom later tonight. I can't wait to see her :D

About that spammer. There's so much I want to tell you in the face but I'll just let go. I know that you're some low-life moron who hates me so damn much to SPAM me. Seriously? Spamming is the most you can do? And 'I C U C I C U' is plain boring. Don't pretend you know what 'flirt' means. Get a life.

8:15 PM
boombox generation:

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Okay I couldn't bear it. I wanted to post this clip so baaaaad. A short clip from Grey's Anatomy. "PICK ME CHOOSE ME LOVE ME!!!" Hahaha. Meredith is funny here. Kind of. And Derek is seeeew handsome. You should watch other clips. He's in Sweet Home Alabama (the movie, not the song). He is what I call DREAMY. Hehe. Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) was a guest in Oprah and she revealed that she didn't want to do this scene. Hahaha I can't imagine why :D

Alright. Good night.

8:22 AM
boombox generation:

Monday, November 20, 2006

This is a nice song.
Box Car Racer - There Is

"I faintly remember breathing on your bedroom floor where I laid and told you but you swore you loved me more."

Another nice song.

11:20 PM
boombox generation:

Just an update.

I'm not exactly supposed to be using the computer but since Dad's back and his laptop is here, well, I'm the one using it.
Our line will be cut soon so please do not attempt making calls. My cellphone was confiscated.. Um, don't ask.

Thanks for coming.

4:38 AM
boombox generation:

Friday, November 17, 2006

9:25 PM
boombox generation:

Okay, I have changed my skin.
No self-control, perhaps? I saved the previous code just in case I want to change back.

I attended this steamboat last night. I won't really say much about what happened.

To smokers who read this blog:

If you don't care about ruining your lives, what about the ones around you? You are sucking poison and affecting not only yourself but the ones around you! You are selfish people who only care about your 'coolness'. Peer pressure? Still your fault. Staying two metres away from others while smoking is no good either. Air floats. You don't like what I'm saying but it's the painful truth.

8:04 PM
boombox generation:

Thursday, November 16, 2006

There are so many ubercool skins x_x
Like this one or this one. I really like this one. This one is just pretty.
Those three sentences sounded really funny together. Click the 'this one's. Short post.

I only wanted to spread the news of discovery. Er, the blogskins.

7:12 PM
boombox generation:

Here are the pictures I promised.

With Starnia & Nadiah:

With Trina and Sarah:

This is only an eighth of the pictures we took. And this is what we do when we have nothing else to do :D Yeah, sit down and camwhore. Lovely.

I'm up pretty early. I slept at 3 am drinking tea. How nice is that? Very.

6:20 PM
boombox generation:

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Year 2007 is coming soon and I need to make a list of resolutions.

My number one resolution will be to refrain from using 'I know, right'. It is now becoming a habit and it tells people that I am not good with words. This is how I see it, alright. Better yet, I'll stop using it starting today tomorrow :D
Moving to another country will definitely be a difficult job to do. This is what God chose for me, and I'm sure he has good plans for me. Every school year back there starts in June and I won't have anything to do for five whole months.
So another resolution will be to not be bored for those five months. I bet you're thinking five months is absolutely heaven but NO. School holidays (now) are boring enough!

Let's seeeee. No boring crap for five months.
I can do this.

Pancakes is coming over, YAY :D

10:23 PM
boombox generation:

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I am seeew bored.
Alright, I know you're not dense.
You come here once in a while and read about my extreme AMUSEMENT. I think there are times I just stare at the monitor and wander off into dreamland. Then snap back to reality and realize I was sleeping with my eyes open.

I am pretty sure that you have become bored at least five times during the holidays. And you have realized that being bored is boring. Bored is a word frequently mentioned in my blog. There are many things you can do to entertain yourself. You could count the grains of sugar in your sugar bowl. As you count, you could shove the grains into your bored little mouth (this sounds rude). After counting, you'd presumably be hyperactive. And start jumping all around, doing pirouettes, high kicks, whatever.

Doing these things don't seem boring, huh?

8:37 PM
boombox generation:

What the heck. Blogger beta is convenient.
I'm feeling seeew much better today! I'm not sick anymore :D

Sarah took me shopping today XD We went to Plaza Singapura to shop. I got a shirt from Dorothy Perkins and that made me all yay. We ate fried chicken after that (HAH, PERCY). Then we went home.

I'm all happppyyyyy.

4:43 AM
boombox generation:

Monday, November 13, 2006

Wow, I reached to the extent of boredom to resume playing Neopets.
I am so money-faced.
Now I'm just waiting for all those stupid rich kids to buy my junk. *grins idiotically*
I made 200k neopoints today.
I feel so evil.

Shop Till
You currently have 19,310 NP in your till.


1:42 AM
boombox generation:

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I'm stuck in bed. I'm on my mom's laptop.
I'm cold. And very bored.

I'm not allowed to go out!
Does anyone wanna give me a visit?

11:08 PM
boombox generation:

I went around Dhoby Ghaut and Orchard Road yesterday to accompany Trina. My sister came along too. We followed her go around to shop. It was really, really fun. We also went on a food trip. Our second stop was Long John Silver's and we ordered fries, fish and Milo. We were telling jokes and I kinda choked on my drink. I was choking to tears. It kinda felt as if my drink went down the wrong pipe, into my bloodstream. Then I can tell people 'hey, my heart pumps Milo!' so cool.

Okay, not really. Well my throat was extremely painful after that but I somehow tolerated the pain. It was extremely tiring, walking all over Orchard Road in flip-flops. I didn't wear walking shoes, you see. So my legs were REALLY tired.

I started chilling on our way home and I became hot. I was having a fever (duh). I think it's because I walked under the rain while my throat was infected. I got home and I was burning. I stayed up until 3 am to keep my wet towel in place on my forehead.

I woke up not long ago and I'm feeling better. My mom stayed home with me while my other relatives went out for lunch. I'm happy she accompanied me :) She's a really good mom. I'm having the flu though (and NO, flu does not involve a runny nose!). My joints are aching, so is my head. I hate being sick and all.
Shopping makes me sick? You could say that.

I will post pictures another day (I promise) when my head isn't throbbing.
Toodles :]

9:33 PM
boombox generation:

Friday, November 10, 2006

I stayed up all night with Trina. We watched movies and ate junk food. How cool is that?
Not very cool since I now look like a wreck. I need some sleep. And I need breakfast.

I can't wait to see Leena and Pancakes! Hey Percy's gonna be there tooooo :D
I'm going to miss this; going out without worrying about transportation. I don't have to ask my mom if I could use the driver for that day. I don't have to worry about heavy traffic. I love commuting here in Singapore. OKAY I DO. You may not get what I mean, but I'm hoping you have the slightest idea what it's like back there.


7:16 PM
boombox generation:

I went to Bugis Junction with Starnia, Nadiah and Brenda.
On the train to City Hall, there was this man and two girls standing next to me.
The man was talking to the girls in chinese and he started muttering a few english phrases. He also kept on repeating 'please mind the platform gap.'
It sounded totally hilarious and I started laughing. He smiled at me and said (with difficulty) that he had to practice speaking english. He glanced often at the two girls. I suppose he got them to teach him every day english.
He asked what my nationality was and some other questions. He also said 'you arl bootiflel'. It was so cute :D
It was an amusing ride to City Hall.

I was pretty much late when I met up with the girls. Like an hour late.
We then watched Step Up (a feel good movie).
Starnia and I camwhored after that. I'll post pictures some other day :)
We went to school to collect our D&T projects then ate in a coffee shop nearby. Then I took a cab home.

I can't say I'm tired as I didn't do much walking... Today was fun.

My relatives are coming later tonight.
I'm going out with my friends tomorrow. And I have to wake up early. Oh crap.

Over My Head (The Fray) is stuck in my head. Gee.

2:17 AM
boombox generation:

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I don't usually blog after midnight. Well, here I am, blogging after midnight :D
I tried sleeping a few hours ago but was apparently unsuccessful. That was so uncool.

I can't sleep.
Can I not sleep at all tonight?

I shall try that. I'll sit here until sunshine knocks me out. Yes, nocturnal.
And trying to motivate a few people taking their O's is not an easy task. I guess you have to mean what you say to make it work.
I'm so bored to tears that I'll just type anything that pops into my head.

1. I wanna eat an orange. There are oranges in the fridge but I can't take my eyes of the monitor.
2. I ate Korean food today.
3. NO, NO, THAT WAS YESTERDAY. I can use 'a while ago', right?
4. I'm still bored to tears.
5. Cramps!
6. These thoughts are so lame, reading them makes me want to cry.
7. My nails are seeew nice and long. One chipped though. It's not noticeable, thankfully.
8. I feel hot. No fan. No air-conditioner.
9. I think I should walk to the kitchen to grab an orange or something while my Yaya's door creaks (opening and closing). This creeps me out.
10. I am all of a sudden aware that I am the only one awake in this household and now thinking of objects from a different dimension.
11. I know you think I am strange. Well you're not awake at 0042! Quiet.
12. Oh, Smuckers (it is a brand of jam, please, and I know it sounds vulgar). The door is really freaking me out.
13. I'm so running to my room in a few minutes.
14. STOP CREAKING!!!!!!!!!!
15. Bloody hell.
16. I am totally scaring myself. I will not type down other thoughts that will solely force me to gouge my eyeballs out (if i read them again and again cos that's what you do to your posts; read them again and again).
17. My phone vibrated because some IDIOT texted me and, let me tell you, the vibration scared the living hello out of me.
18. The text message was uber funny though.
19. This post is amazingly long. See what good crapping can do to you.
20. I think I'll stop at twenty.

That was fun!
Not sleepy :D

8:51 AM
boombox generation:

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I was so bored today I played a game I hadn't touched since a year ago.
Sims 2 (no laughing).*

Well, I had to install the game which surprisingly took a short while.
You know how the game goes, right? You control the characters' lives and build their environment. It's amusing, in many ways :D
There's this lady who suddenly got pregnant and gave birth on the same day. It's the same day for ME but I guess not for them. This happened three times.
So, yay, three children. And her so-called desire? Ten children.
I left the computer for a while and when I got back, the same lady had apparently invited her friend over (another lady) and they were making out in the kitchen. I did not expect to see that. It's sick, alright? No wonder there ain't no husband.

I'm talking crap and I doubt you understand.

Anyway, if you wanna try playing God, don't. It's harder than it seems.
Sims 2 isn't a really good game. Maybe it's just to feed your boredom. I'm money-faced. I use cheat codes to get money instead of playing the right way.

*You don't know the game? It would be better for you to ignore what's up there.

Moving on.
I went to school today to clear my locker.
Happy holidays, people.

1:35 AM
boombox generation:

Monday, November 06, 2006

I'm just bored.

Name: Patricia Lapena (n with the squiggly on top)
Birth date: 8 September 1993
Current status: Married (HA!)
Eye colour: dark brown (black eyes don't exist)
Hair colour: dark brown
Righty or Lefty: righty
Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Your heritage: Uh. I've got old relatives in Spain?
Your fears: Insects and cats.
Your weaknesses: Insects and cats.
Your perfect pizza: Hmmm.

Your thoughts first waking up: "It's so bright."
Your bedtime: I don't have a fixed time.
Your most missed memory: I'll get back to this.

Pepsi or Coke: Neither; I hate soda.
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's
Single or group dates: Either?
Gold or silver: white gold.
Lipton tea or Nestea: Nestea
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: coffee

Smoke: Don't get me started.
Curse: Hell, yeah. [HAH]
Take a shower: Clean is good for health! :D
Have a crush: Nope
Think you've been in love: Um, maybe?
Go to school: I'll start in June.
Want to get married: Sure.
Believe in yourself: Yeah, I suppose :)
Think you're a health-freak: Occasionally

Drank alcohol: No
Gone to the mall: Yeah
Been on stage: Yeah
Eaten sushi: Uh, I did, last month? :D
Dyed your hair: No, and I don't plan to.

Played a stripping game: *raises eyebrows*
Changed who you were to fit in: Maybe I just don't realize it.

Age you're hoping to be married: Before I'm thirty.

Best eye colour: It doesn't matter
Best hair colour: It doesn't matter
Short or long hair: It doesn't matter

1 minute ago: Typing.
1 hour ago: Having lunch.
5 hours ago: Sleeping.
1 month ago: Hmmmm. I'd be in school.
1 year ago: I don't know.

I love: food
I feel: hot (Not THAT hot)
I hate: being bored
I hide: bitterness
I miss: you!
I need: GOD



To that person who argued with me saying that cologne is for men while perfume is for women:
a mildly perfumed toilet water; eau de Cologne.

SEE :D I feel so evil! [evil laugh here]


10:12 PM
boombox generation:

IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE that previous post.
If you have an answer to it, please do tell me.

If you visited my blog earlier and saw nothing, that was because I was trying to fix it. The previous skin seemed angry at me.
I don't really like this skin, you know? It's plain and all. I decided to stick with this until they upload more skins of the day.

My mom is back from the Phils. I woke up late this morning, and she wasn't home. She still isn't home. I think I saw her last night.

Read Leena's latest post. It's beautiful.

I need you here tonight xo

7:38 PM
boombox generation:

I am sad and I cry too much.
What do you call people who are like this?
I'm not emo. I can never be emo. Is it possible to be emo for a day?

4:13 AM
boombox generation:

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Since I changed my cbox, the old tags were erased and I couldn't reply.

Samantha, why are you laughing.

Leena, happy I was back?

Patricia, please tell me your second blog.

People, please tag 'cause my tagboard looks awfully nekked.

Oh, oh. One post is missing. I don't know where it went. Never mind. Today is a frustrating day. I still have to help my sister change her bloody blogskin. I want to hammer this monitor. I don't have money to replace it, though. This suckssssssss.

11:38 PM
boombox generation:

HOLD ME NOW; I'm six feet from the edge.

Hearing mass enlightens me.
I had Thai food in Thomson Plaza afterwards. I bet the food served is better than Thai Express. And it's affordable.

If I get it all down on paper it's no longer inside of me, threatening the life it belongs to.

My posts are awfully short. I don't have much to write anymore.

I'm leaving Singapore. Man.
As cliched as this may sound, it seems like just yesterday, my parents told me that we were moving to some country. I definitely did not want to live somewhere else. I didn't want to go to another school. I just hated the thought of it.
Well now, I'm out of school, about to leave Singapore. Moving back will sure be hard. Painful, in some ways. Time will heal the pain, I'm sure.
And pain killers won't help.
I can already picture myself lying on my bed with a box of Kleenex by my side. You could add songs by Dashboard Confessional to make it a tad more emo.

This has definitely been the longest post of the month.
Good luck to all those taking their GCE O Levels. Make your parents proud. And don't stress out yourselves too much. If you enjoy the bad stress (I know some people who actually do), I have no comments for you. Well, just do really, really well? And get into a Junior College, if you must.


10:11 PM
boombox generation:

Saturday, November 04, 2006

I watched Dead Or Alive (DOA) today with Brenda and Nadiah. Very cool. If you like action flicks and super hot extra spicy chicks, then this movie is good to see.
I went to Brenda's house after that then went straight home. Her place is really far from mine.

Today was really fun :)

Oh oh oh, Leena's blog has the CUTEST picture. The shoes are cool too x) I just had to post it here. Nyahaha. Ha.

5:19 AM
boombox generation:

Friday, November 03, 2006

Today was a good day. Emphasizing on good.

I'm tired
I'm hungry
I'm sleepy

I am always these three things. Wowww lethargic. Not the hungry part. I just lack sleep.

Good night.

Oh, happy birthday Jaewin :]

5:10 AM
boombox generation:

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I attended mass today. It's a holiday of obligation. The priest speaks in a funny way you can't understand. His speech 'deficiency' is ridiculously funny it almost sounds as if he's swearing. If you're curious, tell me. I'll take you to church one day.

I just realized that I will never be going back to Beatty to study. I just realized that I will never be living in Singapore again. [Who knows what could happen in the future.] Yeah, I knew the whole time I'd be leaving everything I love behind. But it's only now the feeling sinks in. It's only now I understand what will happen. I don't wanna think about this anymore but it's kind of nailed to my head. Kind of.


4:23 AM
boombox generation:

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I am extremely annoyed.
Ask me why.
"Why are you extremely annoyed?"
The lifts were not working when I got back. So I had to climb the stairs with a bunch of noisy men. Thank goodness I live on the eighth floor. The lifts began working ten minutes after I stepped into my room. Thank you, Trellis Towers management annoying people go die go die. This is just annoyed. Do you know why I'm extremely annoyed?
It's Hewlett-Packard's fault.
I was photocopying documents for something (don't ask) when the bloody paper jammed itself.
I was seeew pissed with the frickin printer. I started banging it with my highly ineffective fists and yelling at it. The lights were flashing. I tore the paper and yanked the pieces out.

I went out with Patricia K. and Leena today. They are wonderful people. Yes, they are :D

5:32 AM
boombox generation: