Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Go figure. I just wanted to say HAPPY HALLOWEEN. Nyaha. Ha.
People say what you don't know can't hurt you. But not knowing is the most painful thing. Trust me.
6:23 PM
boombox generation:
She said, "I've gotta be honest
You're wasting your time if you're fishing round here"
And I said, "You must be mistaken
Cause I'm not fooling, this feeling is real"
She said, "You gotta be crazy
What do you take me for, some kind of easy mark?"
"No, you've got wits, you've got looks
You've got passion, but I swear that you've got me all wrong"
All wrong
All wrong
But you got me
I'll be true, I'll be useful
I'll be cavalier, I'll be yours, my dear
And I'll belong to you
If you'll just let me through
This is easy, as lovers go
So don't complicate it by hesitating
And this is wonderful, as loving goes
This is tailor-made, what's the sense in waiting
And I said, "I've gotta be honest
I've been waiting for you all my life
For so long I thought I was asylum-bound
But just seeing you makes me think twice
And being with you here makes me sane
I fear I'll go crazy if you leave my side
You've got wits, you've got looks
You've got passion
But are you brave enough to leave with me tonight"
But you've got me
I'll be true, I'll be useful
I'll be cavalier, I'll be yours, my dear
And I'll belong to you
If you'll just let me through
This is easy, as lovers go
So don't complicate it by hesitating
And this is wonderful, as loving goes
This is tailor-made, what's the sense in waiting
This is easy, as lovers go
So don't complicate it by hesitating
And this is wonderful, as loving goes
This is tailor-made, what's the sense in waiting
This is easy, as lovers go
So don't complicate it by hesitating
And this is wonderful, as loving goes
This is tailor-made, what's the sense in waiting
12:34 AM
boombox generation:
Monday, October 30, 2006
I wanted to blog yesterday but I forgot to.
Never mind. It was a regular Sunday. Mass was pretty much longer because of the presentation of the stained glass. We had lunch with Joshua and Sherman after that.
Today is a Monday. I suppose you already know that.
I went to school this morning to have my form teacher sign some papers. Don't ask.
And now I am at home.
I wanna watch a mooooovieeeeeeeee.
8:52 PM
boombox generation:
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Jeremy totally out-gayed himself.

Oh dear. He has this thing for shoulder bags and mirrors.
I am tired.
My head hurts.
Bye people.
4:33 AM
boombox generation:
Saturday, October 28, 2006
I was supposed to cook today.
There are times when I'm just too lazy sitting around, lying around the house. This pisses off my mom. I don't blame her, you know. It's not exactly a good thing to do, to laze here and there. So my mom told me to help out in the kitchen.
I chopped onions. It is painful.
I cried. Well, I
had to cry. It's the only way to stop the stinging.
My recent posts have been ridiculously short. I'm going to try to make this one long. I think this is long enough. Don't contradict.
Note to self: use goggles next time you chop onions.
1:47 PM
boombox generation:
I helped Sarah make a blog. She was pretty enthusiastic about it. ANYWAY. If you wanna see it, click
here.I am sleepy. But I won't sleep. 'Cause it's too early :)
4:26 AM
boombox generation:
Yesterday was my
last day of school in Beatty. I had the whole
waterworks thing going on.
Enough said about yesterday.
1:14 AM
boombox generation:
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Today's my sister's birthday.
After school, I went to Takashimaya to meet up with my family. We ate in Coffee Club. I like the fondue they serve. It is very er, fruity? Well, how can I possibly describe fondue. I'd sound like a menu. My mom and sis went shopping along Orchard Road. They went to every bloody shop to look at every bloody piece of cloth. Okay, shirts, shoes, pants and all. I'm not exactly your average girl who enjoys shopping seeew much. After a few minutes of looking around Top Shop, I got bored. Dad and Jeremy were playing with a latino kid outside Top Shop. They were kicking this poor little figurine around. Passing it back and forth. I joined in anyway :D
Okay, Wei Lin, I have nothing else to say.
Remember to bring alcohol on Wednesday so you can.. you know.
Sarah (sister) is in tuition. Ironic.
Well.. I suppose it's not. Exams :s
5:01 AM
boombox generation:
Thursday, October 19, 2006
CHAUVINISM.Postponed ranting.
Mickey's voice makes me
hurl.As in Mouse.
1:52 AM
boombox generation:
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
There's this group of girls in my school who are actually.. nice people. They heard from someone that there were two girls who called them
'act'. The two girls?
Patricia and Samantha. Please. The girls approached us (more like, screamed) and said they wanted to settle everything. They pointed out that they weren't 'act'.
Please, I have no clue what 'act' means to them. I referred to the dictionary, yes, I know THAT meaning. Their context is just.. GAH (thanks, Qayyum). The word is getting on my nerves. ACT??? I wish I could type the rate of thoughts running through my mind.
1. I don't even bother talking about those girls.
2. I don't even know who those girls are, and I definitely don't give a damn about their basketball game.
3. Samantha didn't watch the games.
4. They shouldn't care so much about what people say so they shouldn't confront anyone to settle anything. WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH? You know you're not who they think you are, and you don't even LIKE the people. So why bother making them think differently? UGHH.
Bailey: The stupidity of the human race.
Dinnering :D
3:38 AM
boombox generation:
My love for you was blind,
I couldn't make you see it.
I saw my Australian neighbour's baby. Big blue eyes. Awwwww I love cute babies. I go all crazy whenever I play with that kid. I want one! I'ma go steal from KK Hospital. Does anyone want to come with me? I'm so serious.. Okay, I'm not. Crap. Fantasizing again ugghh.
English results came out pretty good.
2:37 AM
boombox generation:
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
I don't like anonymouses/unknowns etc. Thank God I don't handle any.
If you're a spammer,
1. You suck. You say you'd rather not let others know who you are and still, you go off bxtching about the person who owns that blog. Hey, it's her blog. His, whatever.
2. You say it's called 'voicing your opinion'. Go voice somewhere else. The owner was never interested in reading your thoughts. Do they matter? No. Are your unwanted (note,
unwanted) comments necessary? No. So should they be there?
NO! Go someplace else where people actually want to hear your bull.
3. You write 'lyk dis'. OH COME ON. The way you write matters, you know? The owner of the blog knows you, you know her. Him, whatever. And you insist writing your way. Aren't you like, pretending to be someone else? Well if you still write YOUR way, you really suck. The owners could be
smart, do you realize that? Fool.
4. Spamming won't do you any good. If you seriously hate that person, keep it to yourself. If you can't take the soldering hate any longer, punch a wall. Yeah, release the anger.
Whatever. I only did all this because. Well.. I just punched a wall.
If you get what I mean.
4:18 AM
boombox generation:

I went to Junction 8 to celebrate Samantha's birthday along with Brenda, Nadiah and Yu Ling. Samantha was there, of course. It was fuuuuuun. We ate in MOS then took neoprints. Hey, it's been a long time since I last had neoprints taken so no laughing.

So there. We bought candy worth six bucks. Yeah and after eating everything, we were all tipsy and felt waves of nausea. I love them all :D
I found a birthday gift for my sister, yay. The haze is getting thicker, causing my eyes to sting more. Ouch.

I love my honey :]

It's fun.

What are little *cough* girls made of?

OH CRAP I LOVE HER EYEBROWS. They look like they got accidentally-on-purpose burnt halfway. I just had to stroke 'em (hurls).

My hand is censored.
There are tons of other pictures but I guess I'm too lazy to upload them.
I got back my geography paper to day. I guess I did okay. Ish.
I want you back.
1:58 AM
boombox generation:
Sunday, October 15, 2006
I went to Jurong with my mom. We were taking the shuttle bus to IMM. It's extremely hazy today (110!!). I found myself shutting my eyes while walking and covering my nose.
Seriously. I have the right to be paranoid. It's the stupid haze, okay? It's dangerous. I wiped my glasses clean several times. Damn this haze. Damn forest fires.
We went shopping, I don't enjoy shopping. We were looking for DOORKNOBS, too. I wanted to buy sneakers but then my mom was like 'We're buying formal shoes. You don't have formal shoes. You wore sneakers to your grandfather's funeral.' Well SORRY, I don't have formal shoes. I wear sneakers, okay. Grrr. I didn't buy 'formal' shoes anyway. Yay.
The haze bothers me. I never really cared about it before (read: yesterday).
You're the first.
4:44 AM
boombox generation:
Friday, October 13, 2006
L-O-N-G SESAME ROLLYeah, that's what it said.
Filled with succulent barbecue chicken, seasoning, dressing, butter, herbs & spices. That too.
And 'gross weight' still amuses me.
I'm eating this er, long sesame roll now.
Store product in domestic refrigeration up to maximum of 24 hours.
-Pre-heat oven for 10 mins at 200 degrees centigrade
-Remove outer packaging. Place chilled product into pre-heated oven for another 10 mins.
-Place chilled product in microwave oven together with outer packaging unopened for 30 seconds.
I microwaved it for 10 minutes.
Please do not overheat as this will affect the taste and quality of the product.
No wonder -.-
Anyway, Samantha's birthday tomorrow. I think I'm going out with her, yay :D
I did well for history. Yay again XD
My hair still pisses me off.
10:56 PM
boombox generation:
Well, the hair. I managed to tie it, by the way. It looks the same in front but oh, big surprise when I turn around. Grrrr. I am going to sue my hairdresser.
Is it too late to remind you how we were?
3:22 AM
boombox generation:
I had a haircut today. And when I was having my hair washed, the lady triggered my ticklish spot. I'm not telling you where it is, for I fear one day you'll attack me with your er, fingers.
Anyway, the cutting proceeded after blow-drying. My hairdresser cut some and I thought 'okay, the length I want.'
Then she grabbed again and cut..
And cut..
And cut.
My hair is like short now? I said TRIM, lady! ARGH. I should not have gotten a haircut today. My bangs are nice though. Heh. Wait, who am I kidding? The length ruins everything. I can't even tie my own hair without looking awful. You know how short? You don't wanna know. Really short.
Never mind. I can't tie my hair tomorrow? No? I don't know. BOOOOO no more good hair days.
2:15 AM
boombox generation:
Thursday, October 12, 2006
The number of people telling me that my hair is too long has increased greatly since yesterday. Whatever, I'm getting a haircut. Okay, maybe it's not too long. Too long for me? Probably.
I'm not in the mood to blog.
Happy Birthday, Georgia :)
8:24 PM
boombox generation:
PK and Leena came over a while ago to ease the boredom. Well, we had lunch then watched this Korean movie. It's a romantic comedy, actually. My Sassy Girl. I guess you could call it a cry-cry movie? Go watch it, if you must. The effects are nostalgic, though. Anyway, after watching that, we were mucking around my room and taking pictures. Maybe I'll post some pictures when PK sends them to me.
So I guess you could call today and un-lazy day? Yeah. My cramps are better, kinda.
The last time she asked me to get a haircut was when I was seven so I assume this is quite serious. But what could be so serious? My hair is fine. Definitely not TOO long. Come on, my good hair days seem countless, don't ruin this for me, please?
Alright scratch the last sentence; I sounded like a clown. No, wait. A clown does not have good hair days. Clowns are scary, yeeek.
Whatever, I'm so not getting a haircut. Probably not. With all this heat? Likely.
4:45 AM
boombox generation:
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I despise lazy days. It's not like there's anything better to do other than sit around the entire day and gain weight. I guess it all depends on me, whether I want to do anything or I'm just purely lazy to do anything. Second option.
Well here's something that amuses me.
It's Ronald McDonald trying to disguise himself just so he could order from Burger King. I think that's just sweet. So to all those who are having lazy days, take care? Don't rot at home.
6:12 PM
boombox generation:
Finally, our examinations passed. Hopefully, my so-called hard work pays off with pleasing results. I don't have high expectations actually. What I get is what I'll live with. I can deal. Sometimes, I'm different. I'm still feeling that want to study. I find myself thinking 'what the heck are you doing, blogging, when you should be studying?' but then I realize that there's no reason to be studying. It's not relieving. It feels wrong, in a way. I don't know why and I want to know why.
Inter-class today. I had to support my classmates playing, and so I did. The girls played really well but were turned-off by a class of agressive players. I'm not exactly sure how well or how badly the guys played basketball but I know they're 'experienced'. When we were about to leave school, I was feeling nauseous. Maybe it was because of all the moving around? So I ran to the washroom, stole some attention.
Yeah so I threw up, and no, I am not suffering from diarrhea. I'm still feeling slightly nauseous. Perhaps slightly disgusted, too. It had been quite some time since I last threw up.
I'm feeling rather depressed. Maybe it's PMS. Maybe it's not. Maybe it's this issue, maybe it's not. I hope it's not.
So now I'm blasting music into my eardrums, which I doubt will leave my hearing as good as it was. Not that it was good to begin with. Sad songs aren't helping me but I can't seem to stop listening to them.
School's ending soon..
This kills.
3:02 AM
boombox generation:
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Alright. I've studied. I'm sooo tired of studying! I pity those who really have to study.
I should count my blessings. I'm given the opportunity to study when there are thousands out there willing to learn. Oh well. I should be more grateful.
I'm gonna continue studying now.
I'm gonna pass my exams.. yeah I will :D
Byeeee people.
Happy birthday, Jessica :D
4:14 AM
boombox generation:
Saturday, October 07, 2006
I woke up earlier than usual today. Not the usual wake-up-after-lunchtime day. Well, I wanted to study. It just doesn't feel right. Hello, it's a weekend. I don't study on weekends. I bum around the house, you can call this a Lazy Saturday. I don't study well early in the morning, you see. I'm more focused late in the afternoon or just after lunch.
The bottomline is: I won't be studying this morning.
Happy birthday, Guan Siang x)
6:35 PM
boombox generation:
Six down, two to go.
The papers were okay. Some are easy, some are confusing, some caused me to have mental breakdowns. No, I only had one. It was the last question and my mind just went blank. It was a fifteen-mark question, if it makes you feel better. So fifteen marks down the drain, that's something to talk about.
I've been having headaches over and over. Whenever I study, my vision gets screwed and I tend to see red and black spots all over. Then when I can see properly, I read blindly. You know, reading without thoroughly understanding. Wait, I do understand the stuff. I just don't keep them in mind, is all.
I've got good photographic memory but I can't remember a gajillion pages, can I? If you can, good for you. May you live forever. Well I think I totally messed up every paper. I think. Ah, I don't know. I haven't had much sleep. I don't want to take any naps and wake up grouchy and craving for more sleep. No, that is not right.
I woke up at four in the morning today to study just to have a mental breakdown later during the examination. Wonderful. These things happen, I suppose. I mean, hey, you can't be perfect in everything. But I've been studying so much. I would like to thank Hansaplast for keeping my fingers fine whenever I write. I would also like to thank Ferrero Rocher for staying up with me to study.
Happy moon cake day. I love moon cakes.
Whenever I turn on the radio, I always hear Chasing Cars. No fail. Is it a sign or just a coincidence? I don't know. I'll take it as a sign. But what on earth would I do with the 'sign'? I don't know.
I don't know many things.
Oh, my desk is messy again. I doubt I'll be cleaning it in the future.
7:08 AM
boombox generation:
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Lazy Saturdays suck.
They're so lazy that you hate them cos you wanna do something but you don't wanna do anything so it's kinda complicated in this annoying way that you can't stop cos you know you're just to lazy to step out of the house or even do whatever like study or turn on the com but I'm on the computer now so I guess that's a good sign. Long sentence. I don't know if you got that right.
I fell asleep on the couch a while ago and I slept for about three hours. I wouldn't really call it a good nap. I've never had a good nap. When I got up I fell. So yeah, it was baaad.
I think my sister and I are going to Dhoby Ghaut to have this kebab thing. Finally, I'll be stepping out of this boring place.
Well, I managed to study today. Isn't that great.
I think I'ma go watch Friends now.
Byeeeeee, you.
It takes no time to fall in love but it takes years to know what love is.
1:55 AM
boombox generation: