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Patricia. i love the sea but i hate the beach. big difference.

talk time

no, you tell me

Amanda, Caris, Chee Tong, Chin Wen, Elizabeth, Fang Ee, Freya, Georgia, Geraldine, Hakim, Isabella, Ivan, Jun Khiang, Katty, Leena, Loza, Mao Jie, Marissa, Melissa, Miao Ying, Nadiah, Patricia, Samantha, Sarah, Starnia, Teoh Guan, Wei Lin, Yi Zhen, Yu Ling

pastimes (literally)

03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006
08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
01/01/2007 - 02/01/2007
02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
05/01/2007 - 06/01/2007
06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007
07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007
08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007
09/01/2007 - 10/01/2007
10/01/2007 - 11/01/2007
12/01/2007 - 01/01/2008
04/01/2008 - 05/01/2008
09/01/2008 - 10/01/2008


the picture was found on friendster. waw.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

[ ]my fingernails/toenails are almost alwayspainted
[ ]during the summer pretty much the only shoes iwear are flip flops
[x]my favorite toy as a child were barbies
[ ]my favorite color is purple
[ ]i did Gymnastics
[ ]i love skirts
[ ]hollister is my favorite place to shop
[ ]tight jeans are the only jeans i'll wear
[x]i love chocolate
[x]i've never had a real job

[ ]my hair is straightened
[x]i have at least 8 friendster pictures
[x]i usually go shopping once a week
[x]i love to hang out with friends
[ ]i have a real diamond ring or diamond necklace
[ ]i've gone to a tanning salon
[x]ive gone to the beach/pool to tan - not to swim
[x]i have at least 10 pairs of shoes
[ ]i watch either the OC or Laguna Beach
[ ]i change my icon weekly

[ ]i wear a shower cap
[ ]I would NEVER step foot into Hot Topic
[x]my cell phone might as well become a part ofme
[ ]i wear mascara everyday
[ ]i've been or am on a real diet
[ ]bathing suits are adorable
[ ]i dont know the difference between a sheep anda goat.
[x]big sunglasses are hott
[ ]i have gotten my nails done
[ ]i own over 10 purses

[ ]MTV is one of my favorite channels
[ ]all i want to do at sleepovers is talk about boys
[ ]i love to have other girls do my hair
[x]i give and receive hugs from all my friends
[x]i hate bugs, snakes, lizards, spiders
[ ]carnivals are so fun!!
[ ]summer is THE best season
[ ]my swimsuit has 2 pieces
[ ]im waiting for my knight in shining armor
[ ](unless de guy is fat n ugly)pianists are so hot.

[ ]u write me a poem and tell me im beautiful and im all yours
[x]i am self-conscious
[ ]i cry often
[ ]my car smells like vanilla
[x]my dishes get washed more than once a week
[ ]i really dont do sports
[ ]i HATE to run
[x]i squeal when im surprised or angry
[x]i eat dried fruit as a snack
[ ]i love romance novels

[ ]Drew Barrymore is so cute
[ ]i dance a lot
[x]i usually spend over an hour to get ready to leave my house
[ ]i only have like 5 billion hair products
[ ]i love to get dressed up.
[ ]every part of my outfit needs to match
[x]i talk on the phone at least once a day to my friends
[ ] i would love to have a photo shoot of myself
[ ]price on clothes hardly matters
[ ]i apply lip gloss 50 times a day

[ ]i wish i were a model
[x]i wish i could meet Paris Hilton to slap her
[ ]i have been something that was slutty onhalloween
[ ]i own/used to own Uggs
[ ]Hip Hop is the best music
[ ]i pop my collar
[ ]i like to be the center of attention
[ ]guys with Mohawks are crazy
[ ]horses are beautiful
[x]i'd rather not pay attention in school

[ ]cats are adorable
[ ]i write my own music/song/lyric
[x]i would love to visit Hawaii
[x]Valentine's day is so cute!
[ ]white is better then black
[ ]i wouldn't be caught dead in all black
[ ]my closet is STOCK FULL of clothes
[ ] i hate the grunge look of a beard
[ ]i love to read gossip magazines
[ ]i love to gossip

[x]I had Lisa Frank folders, posters as a kid
[ ]i love Celine dion
[x]My bubble baths are sometimes 2 hr long
[ ]my wedding only needs a groom because it'salready planned
[ ]my friends and i are in a strict group. wemostly only hang out with each other only.
[ ]i like kids[ ]diet drinks are the best
[ ]im all about being vegetarian
[ ]i refuse to eat at McDonald's
[x]i check my friendster everyday.

[x]i LOVE life!
[ ]i have a lot of jewelry!
[ ]claires has cheap jewlery
[ ]my screen names have x's in them -
[ ]either one of my friendster profile has/had<3 in them
[ ]i would never want to be the opposite sex
[x]it's not what he/she said it's the way he/she said it
[x]i have more than 3 pillows on my bed
[ ]i have a stuffed toy sleeping beside me
[ ] i love tidy and clean places

i am 28% girlish.


girly girls can be sooooo annoying.

5:13 PM
boombox generation:

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

i went home extra early today (: well, not really extra early, but i didn't stay back for lunch.

we had the sculpture walk thing today. it was okay, i guess. we didn't have to watch brother bear in the hall. most of the people who went for the walk were from my class.

when we got back to school, we were told to go to the hall. to our other classmates. (only some people went for the sculpture walk, not the whole class) then when some guy opened the door for us jenny soh was in front of the hall and she started screaming at us using her darn loud microphone.


i wasn't really listening to her but i wanted to shout back at her so badly. we weren't going for the syf. we came back from the sculpture walk. and we were TOLD to go to the darn hall. it was friggin embarrassing. the WHOLE school was looking at us. it was so freaky.

then some guys from inside shut the door.

okay, so she didn't know. well, she could have asked, right? and she didn't have to overreact. she's like, supposed to know her pupils. clearly, she doesn't. she thought we were sec two people. so, yeah, she embarrassed herself. and only some people know that.

i hate teachers like her.

i tend to hate all teachers.

my IPW teacher is disgusting. she licks off her saliva foamy stuff forming at the corners of her mouth. i won't talk about it. it's really eeewww.

i have to empty my locker by tomorrow. and i haven't even started. WOW.

oh yeah, ms heng is leaving. she's an okay teacher.


12:17 AM
boombox generation:

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

do you know that feeling where you feel so sorry for yourself? i mean, like, for example. you have two options and you feel like taking one but you don't trust yourself so you take the other option and in the end you feel so bad cuz you find out that you should've taken the other option? it's like, you wish so badly that you could turn back time and choose the other friggin option. it just makes you feel so bad..

i get that everyday.

4:44 AM
boombox generation:

Saturday, May 20, 2006

today was superfun.

starnia, yuling, samantha, calista, benda, chloe and i (yeah, big group but it'll get smaller) went to j8 and star, calista and chloe, i think, bought the newbie shirt thingie. they used JISIANG'S membership card.

ayiieee starnia.. HAHA.

then after that yuling, star and i went to far east plaza to shop. haha. shopping isn't so bad when you're with fun people. and when you actually have money to spend. well anyway. we went around like ten times to look for flats for star. and we just ended up in a store we passed by a gajillion times and bought flats.

i didn't buy shoes. they did. but anyway. we spent HOURS searching for flats that star actually liked.

i bought a shirt from oxygen. it has some chinese characters and i don't know what they freaking mean.

after fareastmall-ing, we walked to heeren (exercise mann). we took neoprints. you know the shiny soft wall kind? yeah, that one. and we tried it for the first time ever so we didn't know how to use the thing. so after taking the neos we were standing outside until we realised that we had to select the pictures.

yeah, it was baaad. and it was the first shot. and the first is ALWAYS the worst. it was still fun anyway. so we got the same shot.

we took neos again, but this time another machine dooii. it was better. haha. bad hair day.

anyway, we got hyped on the way home and yeah, my head is aching cos i crashed into a pillar when no one was looking. and starnia crashed into me after that. she's so much heavier than me and i almost choked to 'death'.

i'm tiiiired.

well today was nice (:

and hakim, if you're reading this, i'm not angry at you.

3:41 AM
boombox generation:

Friday, May 12, 2006

today was insane.

after ms koh dismissed us, starnia, nadiah, yuling and i went out to eat. then starnia said let's go disturb andy lin he lives really near.

then we were like, SUUUURREE. then star said, let's ding dong his doorbell. then we started laughing. we were just laughing and laughing. then suddenly ling said, what if we dingdong dingdong then later his dingdong spoils? we started laughing again.

you get it right? she said it wrongly. she kept on trying to correct herself but 'dingdong' kept coming out.

we started making jokes about this dingdong thing. a lot. it was sooo fun. hahah.

4:06 AM
boombox generation:

Sunday, May 07, 2006

yesterday wasn't much. it was a regular friday.

during recess, i bought food to eat in class. and when i was in the locker area with ling, brenda and nadiah, marissa took my food (the one nadiah and i were supposed to eat). she ran away from us and went to the fourth floor.

when we saw her, she claimed that she ate it. i didn't believe her, obviously. then brenda said maybe it's in her bag. so we took her bag then marissa said

'take it, it's not there anyway.'

so i tossed the bag on the floor.

then she suddenly stood up from the chair and screamed 'WHAT THE FUCK WHY'D YOU THROW MY BAG?? YOU THROW ANYTHING ELSE JUST NOT MY BAG! FUCK YOU.'

then she reached into her pocket to take the food and threw it at me.

what an ass. why would she be the one to get angry? she was the one who took our food. she shouldn't have taken it in the first place. i was was supposed to be the one screaming. but DID I? no. and why would she get angry because of her bag? I DIDN'T EVEN THROW IT.


maybe SOME PEOPLE would rather have BAGS than FRIENDS.

she totally ruined my day.

but some people fixed it for me. brenda and nadiah went to j8 with me. it was fun. maybe marissa doesn't want us as her friends. i'm fine with that. but i sort of.. miss her.

my second cousins are in singapore. i don't click with them. they're old.

12:30 PM
boombox generation:

Friday, May 05, 2006

i got IT in school. AGAIN. the last time, i got it in THE ZOO. sucks. really does.



i should be less moody. WELL IT'S NOT LIKE I CAN HELP IT.


12:22 PM
boombox generation:

Monday, May 01, 2006

I'M FINALLY POSTING! aren't you happy? well, i don't really expect you to be. today was lame. i was at home the whole day. just bumming around. i spent almost the whole day on the computer and that is bad bad bad. really unhealthy.

i have so many projects to do. HISTORY and MATHS. hey, that's considered as many, okie? i haven't started any of them. irresponsible? YEAH I AM!

my throat hurts. this tamarind thing got stuck, i think. i eat it whenever i'm bored. and it's really small, sort of. and spicy too. my throat hurts. really. i need to get water. oh nevermind. i just pushed the thing down my throat.

i just realised i typed one paragraph on that tamarind thingy. i'm so crappy! wow.

anyway. i'm addicted to music. it's so beautiful(:

6:36 PM
boombox generation: