Saturday, September 06, 2008
Why hello, faithful reader (lamest thing to say, I swear). It has been almost five months since my last blog entry. To those who still actually read this (or those who have just begun, pertaining to Nicholas), this is for you! :)
So here are some pictures. (Picture vomit ova heaaarre)

Okay, so these two up above were taken in March this year. I was diagnosed with appendicitis! I look pretty weird in the pictures. Haha. Oh, the second one is with Chee Tong, my sister's ex-boyfriend. He visited! Not for me though. :P
(aww, best friend :*)

The three up there. Sophomore year in Poveda :D
And then these... I went to Punta Fuego with Ina, Betina, JV, Blink, Keisha and Dan.
I hate the beach but I loved the company!

Betina, Me, Ina

Dan, Blink, Keisha, JV, Me, Ina, Betina

Okay... I'm looking for more pictures to post!
Junior year so far. :)

Me, Paula, Milka, Alissa, Czerine (in front), Cath, Audrey!

Maia, Denise, Me. I bought a pregnancy test kit! Not that I did anything nasty. It was for film thing. Haha. The saleslady looked at me pretty weird when I asked for one. :P Oh well.
Photobooth! :D

This is Renzo, Jill's little brother. He is the cutest 5-year old I know.
Photobooth once more! With Ina and Audrey this time. We took these pictures before going to Greed. Greed was... eventful. :)

HAAAAH. Should I stop here? I don't think so.
Car pictures. This is my sister, Sarah.

HAHAHA the fes.
Class practice! Sometime in August.

Nicole, Denise, Me.

Risa, Nicole, Me, Paula, Car

Our lovely class officers.



Maia, Paula, Me

I am done here.
How many pictures did I upload? Haha. Good night y'all.
12:37 AM
boombox generation:
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Crete – 1800 B.C.
1. arable land
2. surrounding water
3. easy to move around – Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Egypt
Minoan Civilization
- polytheism – adapted
- Traders – Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, and Egypt
- Frescoes are water colored paintings. Dolphins : water = important to them
- Aegean sea – water supply
- Farmers
- Influences from others
- Palace at Knossos – showed how advanced they were
- Monarchial system
Fall: conquered by Mycenaeans
Mycenaen kingdom – Indo-Europeans
- conquered Minoa
- Sea trades – Sicily, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Italy
- Trojan War – conflict between Mycenae and Troy (in Turkey)
- Lived in separate city-states (fortresses to ensure protection and safety) led by warrior-king
- Learned art of writing from Minoans
- Dorians invaded – easy to put Mycenae down
Berring Strait
- owned by Troy
- for people to cross, they had to ask permission
- people wanted to own the strait
- Trojan war – weakened Mycenae
Dorians – barbaric people
- conquered Mycenae and made them slaves
- ignored achievements of Mycenae
- Mycenaeans abandoned the civilization and started their own POLISES
- This was the Dark Age of Greece
- Monarchy
- Aristocracy
- Oligarchy – country ruled by few rich/elite people
- Military technology – iron weapons cheaper than bronze weapons and used by the ordinary
- Phalanx – massive formation, new method of fighting
- Small population – better control of city-states; limited
- Monarchy -> Oligarchy – opened doors to ordinary people
- Politically and militarily motivated
- Parthenon – Athena
- Religious
Spartans – military government; had 2 kings
- healthy women – healthy babies – healthy warriors
- Spartan boys endure lifetime training (7-years old)
- Isolated themselves from Greeks – more on warring
- Consulted Council of elders
- Women had the right to inherit property
- Men – to be married at 20-years old
- Council of Ephors – real power
- Military virtues, discipline and skills
- Helots – populated Sparta, Dorian slaves, control military government
- Retire at 60-years old to the council of Elders/Ephors or part of assembly
- monarchy -> oligarchy
- nobles chose Chief officials/ ARCHONS as leaders
- women did not have equal rights, no place in society and women <> democracy
- people became mad because they had no say in the government
- foreign artisans
- merchants – lowest class
- soldiers
- SOLON – an Archon who granted citizenship (men) to foreigners, economic reforms, encouraged export of wine and olive oil, outlawed debt slavery
- Giving importance to people – legislative (law making body)
- Political rights
- Tyrants – take power by force
- Pisistratus – helped farmers, building projects for ordinary people
- Cleisthenes – put up council of 500, legislature
- Women education – sports, literature, math
Persian Wars
Cause: Ionia
Battle of Marathon -> Battle of Thermopylae -> Battle of Salamis
Battle of Marathon
- Athenians won battle
- Persians went back to get more people and weapons
- Themistocles built fleet of warships and prepared other defenses
Battle of Thermopylae
- Persians won because of the small number of Spartans that protected Sparta
- After defeating, Persians marched South and burned Athens, but it was empty (city)
Battle of Salamis
- Athenians won
- Athenians led the Persians into the strait of Salamis
- Warships had rowers – drove into Persian boats
- Greek city-states defeated Persians (Asia Minor)
Greeks celebrated
Persians were shamed and demoralized warriors
- period of Xerxes ended, reached the golden age (Pericles or Hellenic age)
City-states – friendships/alliances headed by Persians
Delian league
- pay tribute/taxes to Athens
- protect/defend each other
- dictating how to lead government (Athens)
- Athens caused Peloponnesian war
Peloponnesian War
Delian League (Athens) vs. Peloponnesian League (Sparta)
- refused the idea of Athens taking over
- Polises wanted their independence
Sparta – land/geographical advantage
Polises – did not like Athenians’ abuse, pushing around
Other city-states sided with the Spartans including the Persians.
Result: when the war ended, Athens lost
- corrupt
- demoralized people
- declined
- cultural center of Greece
Other city-states declined as Athens did because it was the “head”. Small kingdoms were afraid of other unforeseen wars because everyone wanted to be friends with the Spartans. Persians were contented with Spartans winning the war.
- No more democracy
- Implemented strict oligarchy – Spartans
1. Thebes – powerful, defeated Sparta
2. Macedonia led by Philip the Great
Alexander the Great
- conquered Greece, Persia, Asia Minor, Mesopotamia
- spread Greek culture
- studied in Athens and tutored by Aristotle
Hellenistic Period (Pericles) – Alexander the Great
- medicine
- architecture
- literature
- voting to banish a public figure = threat to democracy
- Citizen wrote name of person on piece of pottery
- live outside the city for 10 years
Direct Democracy – people taking part in the government’s affairs
Demes – Statistics of property and population of Greece for taxation purposes
Why is Greece one of the greatest civilizations?
1. Value of excellence – education was important and the government made programs to ensure excellence. They were taught the importance of excelling.
2. Valued holistic development – people tried new things and explored new fields like military, education, and arts and they also trained politicians.
3. Well-defined government system – people followed the government and the people and the government both dedicated time serving Greece (mostly government)
Schools of learning – Persia and Turkey; these schools had museums and gardens also – spread by Alexandria (Alexander?)
10:05 PM
boombox generation:
Saturday, October 06, 2007
PK wanted me to do this
1. Smoked. [ ]
2. Consumed alcohol. [x]
3. Slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex. [x]
4. Slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex. [x]
5. Kissed someone of the same sex. [x]
6. Had sex. [ ]
7. Had someone in your room other than family. [x]
8. Watched porn. [ ]
9. Bought porn. [ ]
10. Done drugs. [ ]
1. Taken painkillers. [x]
2. Taken someone else's prescription medicine. [x]
3. Lied to your parents. [x]
4. Lied to a friend. [x]
5. Been to rehab. [ ]
6. Done something illegal. [ ]
7. Cut yourself. [ ]
8. Hurt someone. [x]
9. Been to a club. [x]
10. Seen someone die.[ ]
1. Missed curfew. [x]
2. Stayed out all night. [x]
3. Eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself. [ ]
4. Been to a therapist. [ ]
5. Snuck out of the house. [x]
6. Dyed your hair. [ ]
7. Received a ticket. [ ]
8. Been in an accident. [ ]
9. Wished someone to die. [x]
10. Been to a bar. [x]
1. Been to a wild party. [ ]
2. Been to a Mardi Gras parade. [ ]
3. Drank more than four beers in a night. [ ]
4. Had a spring break in Florida. [ ]
5. Sniffed anything. [ ]
6. Wore black nail polish. [x]
7. Wore arm bands. [ ]
8. Wore t-shirts with band names. [x]
9. Listened to rap. [x]
10. Owned a 50 Cent CD. [ ]
1. Dressed Gothic. [ ]
2. Dressed prep.[ ]
3. Dressed punk. [ ]
4. Dressed grunge. [ ]
5. Stole something. [x]
6. Been too drunk to remember anything. [ ]
7. Blacked out. [x]
8. Fainted. [x]
9. Had a crush on a neighbor. [x]
1. Snuck into someone else's room. [x]
2. Had a crush on your friend. [x]
3. Been to a concert. [x]
4. Dry-humped someone. [ ]
5. Been called a slut. [ ]
6. Called someone a slut. [ ]
7. Installed speakers in your car.[ ]
8. Broken a mirror. [x]
9. Showered at someone of the opposites sex's house. [x]
10. Brushed your teeth with someone else's toothbrush. [ ]
1. Consider/Considered Ludacris your favorite rapper. [ ]
2. Seen an R-rated movie in theater. [ ]
3. Cruised the mall. [x]
4. Skipped school. [x]
5. Had surgery. [x]
6. Had an injury. [x]
7. Gone to court. [ ]
8. Walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping. [x]
9. Caught something on fire. [x]
10. Lied about your age. [x]
1. Owned/rented an apartment.[ ]
2. Broke the law in the police's presence. [ ]
3. Made out with someone who had a gf/bf. [ ]
4. Got in trouble with the police. [x]
5. Talked to a stranger. [x]
6. Hugged a stranger. [ ]
7. Kissed a stranger. [ ]
8. Rode in the car with a stranger. [x]
9. Been harassed. [ ]
10. Been verbally harassed. [ ]
1. Met face-to-face with someone you met online. [x]
2. Stayed online for 5 hours straight. [x]
3. Talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight. [x]
4. Watched TV for 5 hours straight. [x]
5. Been to a fair. [x]
6. Been called a bad influence. [x]
7. Drink and drive. [ ]
8. Prank-called someone. [x]
9. Laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex. [x]
10. Cheated on a test. [x]
57-If You Have Less Then 10.. write [I'm a Goody Goody.]
-If You Have More Than 10.. write [I'm still a goody goody.]
-If You Have more Than 20..write [I'm average.]
-If You Have More Than 30..write [I'm a bad kid.]
-If You have more than 40..write [I'm a very bad influence.]
-If You Have more than 50..write [
I'm a horrible person.]
Aw, really now?
8:28 PM
boombox generation: